Organizations and their people learn through their interactions with the environment.
Learning from experience and from each other is seen as the basis for building intelligent and innovative organizations: the choice of alternatives are based on rules developed from an accumulation of past experience. It draws on history to find guidance for future action. The purpose is the salt you put on groups for making them become teams. Other spices are interdependent team works instead of independent jobs, and individual and collective accountability and evaluation instead of just individual's performance. To put simply, co-creativity and co-intelligence are the foundations to build a high-intelligent and high-innovate organization.

Organizations and their people learn through their interactions with the environment: They act, observe the consequences of their action, make inferences about those consequences, and draw implications for future action. The process is adaptively rational. However, the importance of "co-intelligence" has long been underestimated. Innovation has long been considered a solitary activity. The solitary innovation has been the engine to make human modernization possible, but how much further along would innovation go if having co-intelligence and co-innovation groups, perhaps facilitated by those proactive innovators, to develop socially and environmentally sustainable innovations. The choice of alternatives is based on an evaluation of their expected consequences according to preferences. It looks ahead into the future to anticipate outcomes. And, as any estimate based on future predictions embodies a huge component of failure risk.
While the value of co-intelligence should not be underestimated, it should neither be overestimated. It is not the fact that a network exists that creates great value. The greatness of value is a reflection of the total experience, knowledge, intuition, talent of the individual participants, which must be coherent to the issue that is analyzed. Hence, identify your innovation masters, and organizations need to build a creative working environment to facilitate and amplify their creativity and intelligence via cross-functional communication and collaboration. When underlining the importance of "enabling users through knowledge sharing in the process of generating new product ideas and new value," if the purpose is not seen as mutual, there can't exist any long-lasting crowd-sourcing platform. Philosophically, from the perspective that only the humble can learn, there is universal success principle for innovation, that is:
• The Eastern concept of the empty cup
• The Western (Greek) idea of renewing your mind (metanoia)
• The Thomistic principle "Quid recipitur ad modum recipientis recipitur," translated to “one receives according to one's own mode”
Intentional human behavior always has a purpose. Organizing is intentional, and therefore, it must have a purpose for forming. Innovation has a purpose because it is about transforming a novel idea and achieve its business value, but creativity doesn't have to be, it’s an innate ability to create new ideas. The purpose of the organization is to create customers. Leadership, strategy, co-innovation, or co-intelligence are the means to the end - to build a customer-centric high performing organization.
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