Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Change Factors that would Improve the Business Results?

Always keep in mind people are at the center and the very purpose of changes.

The speed of change is up, but the majority of Change Management effort fails to achieve the expected result. What are the top things would you change in an organization that would improve the business result?

If you can imagine an organization as a garden and the people are all forms of life in it, how can you as a leader or anyone contribute to maximum balance growth inside that little patch of Planet Earth?

The solution to any given problem is ALWAYS in analyzing the problem. What matters most is going to identify the root of the problem. Never assume you know what the problem is. Never think there is a short list of solutions you can pick from. Actually, it would depend upon an analysis of the organization to determine the true priority change needed, each organization is unique. Take the stock of all the reasons why results are not up to the point of your desire/strategy: SWOT, then converge one single point through priority, focus, take up the top one first.

The strong support from senior leaders is crucial to change success. Sometimes key leaders actually do not support a change and actively undermine that change. More often than not, however, leaders do support the change but radically under-estimate the importance of their active and visible support for the change. Many seem to believe that if they make the decision to implement the change then the rest can be left to the project team. Nothing is further from the truth. Senior leaders need to understand that they must carry the brunt of the responsibility for communication with the organization. They must actively tear down barriers and secure necessary resources throughout the change process.

Look at problems in a proactive way to make the right policies. If an organization really needs substantial change, it is because the leadership has not provided the necessary factors of success.  It’s the question every change leader should ask himself/herself almost every month, if not week. And there is no need to look at it in a reactive mode as a ‘problem,’ but it would be desirable to look at it proactively and have a ‘policy,’ to catalyze changes.

The practical ‘blanket’ answer that cures the change inertia is – CULTURE! The fundamental nature of change suggests that true strategic change will almost always be in conflict with old and prevalent ideas. Hence, a conflict with culture is very likely. When the company grows, this corporate culture tends to stay the same over time -the culture inertia. However, in order to move up to the next level of organizational maturity, the culture needs to be changed as well to adapt to the emerging digital trend and pulling strategy execution towards the right decision.

Communication, Communication, and Communication. Communication is probably the world’s biggest problem as many listen to respond and not to think profoundly beforehand. When there is a lack of communication, it is the lack of trust among workers and management. The obstacles to the fix are part of the problem. Thus, transparent REFLEXION of cause and effects which need to be improved in communication and management is the one thing you need.

Always keep in mind people are at the center and the very purpose of changes. Match problems and with that in mind, the one thing to change would be to have a phrase at the heart of everything the organization does. The care and the relentlessly intelligent way to hire people and invest in them in order to grow a winning organization based on merit and positive thinking.

Change is an ongoing capability, not just an event only. Events can be managed top down. Change can be supported top down, but change cannot be fully managed or controlled top down, it has to be proactively made bottom up. So grow your change leaders, empower change agents, and reward change champions.


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