To embrace change requires a change of mindset at every level and an understanding that things cannot stay the same.
Change is inevitable, organizational change has become a common practice within an organization, but too often changes are made as a reaction to outer impulses, crisis, and demands. This is the bureaucracy’s way of meeting the challenges. How to understand the mentalities behind the change as the first step, in order to fine-tune the process of Change Management, and overcome the obstacles to managing a digital transformation smoothly?

Change Mentalities
- A ‘Changeable’ Mindset ? Change is accelerated in the digital era, to embrace change requires a change of mindset at every level and an understanding that things cannot stay the same. This is the groundwork that has to be done at all levels prior to initiating major change. But why is changing the mindset so difficult, and how to overcome it?
- The Psychologies behind the Changes Change is the only constant, the speed of change is accelerated. Organizations have to manage change effectively in order to implement their strategy cohesively. However, more than two-thirds of change management fail to reach the expectation. Why do people resist changes? Relevantly to the strategic context and its necessities, what limit is this "collective worker" able to reach? To what conditions? What would be a good way to empower change capabilities. What's the psychology behind the change, and how do you manage change not as a one-time project, but an ongoing capability?
- Which is Better Mentality: Adapt to Change or Mitigate the Change? The speed of change is expedited, which one is the better strategy: adapting to a changing climate, or taking steps to mitigate the changes that are already underway?
- What’s your Psychological Response to Changes? Change is inevitable in any organization today, it’s not for its own sake, but for continuous improvement or even breakthrough to adapt to the business dynamic. However, the change inertia is also a reality. From Change Management and talent management perspective: How the age and different emotions response to changes? Is change friction really getting bigger when one gets older? Or does lack of vision make people act old? Age or mindset, what’s the real obstacle to adapt to changes. e some ideas to assist in breaking down silos in an organization where they are present?
- Can you “Move out of your Comfort Zone”? Change is the new normal. Change is situational. It happens when something starts or stops, or when something that used to happen in one way starts happening in another. But acceptance of change is transitional, and “moving out of your comfort zone" can be used at all levels and as a starting point for change. It might sound like a cliche, the trick is understanding that moving out of a comfort zone leads to the creation of a new comfort zone which in turn will require you to move out "of" it again. This continuous moving "out" of your comfort zone is complemented by the cycle of self-development. There is a classic fable about a lion and a gazelle to analogize such a "surviving and thriving cycles": The lion wakes up and starts running otherwise it will not catch lunch. The gazelle does the same but, in this case, to avoid becoming lunch. Either way, you have to move to survive. This principle can be applied in a physical sense as well. The human body is designed for motion and physical effort.

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