Innovation, in general, is surely a discipline.

A balanced innovation portfolio includes many different types of innovations: Nowadays, technology is often a disruptive force of radical innovation, and the information is the lifeblood to nurture incremental innovation. Hence, IT needs to manage a balanced innovation portfolio including both types of innovations, with many "colors" in between and broader “creativity horizon” from service/process innovation to process/business model innovation to communication/culture innovation. Innovation is "a change that adds stakeholder value.” Now if your stakeholders are internal process owners and your output stakeholders are the same, the type of innovation you have is Continuous Innovation. If you take knowledge from one context and bring it over into a new context, you have knowledge or technology transfer innovation, with a higher possibility to manage a radical innovation. With continuous process improvements, you can reduce costs and increase productivity without increased revenue generation. You are implementing an efficiency innovation. On the other hand, if the change, whether an improvement on an existing process or the addition of an entirely new process, leads to increased revenue generation, either from the expansion of an existing market or the creation of a new market, then it’s more as an evolutionary innovation (the intermediate innovation between radical innovation and incremental innovation.)

Innovation, in general, is surely a discipline: Innovation is not serendipity, but a systematic process to transform novel ideas and achieve their business values. The bulk of data, methods, and approaches involved as well as the complexity of processes encountered speaks in favor of the scientific approach and engineering practices for innovation management. It covers information management, knowledge, and technology transfer, entrepreneurship and it is closely related to several other disciplines. It stands in between management, economy, psychology, sociology, and law, not speaking about disciplines that are related to technologies implemented by the particular innovation. Theoretical treatment of the innovation discipline may give rise to a science -in a sense innovation would be a "cross-science."
The nature of how the "implementation of the idea has to follow a logical path for the solution,” provides a great opportunity for IT to shine based on its scientific discipline. and IT as an information hub could become the hotbed to nurture and incubate great ideas, to design robust, but not overly rigid processes for both idea creation, selection, prioritization, and overall innovation management. From information management to innovation management, IT can build its value proposition from a service provider to an innovation engine, from supporting the business to catalyzing business growth.
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