The transformative change needs to inspire mind shift.

The transformative change needs to inspire mind shift: Organizations are a huge melting pot of various personalities and depending on the generations the comprised employees belong to, 'change' is probably the last thing on their minds, regardless of how enthusiastic the management team is, you can certainly change behaviors with the right push. Short-term changes are common under pressure to change, but it breeds discontent and, in the long run, people revert to their original habits, most of the time. Hence, bigger changes come with inspiring the mind and challenging winning attitudes. People change for a reason, it is a mind which manipulates the reasoning and logic behind the change. Think of behavior change as acting into a new way of thinking and believing. The question to be asked is why are you wanting the change? What do you expect to gain from adopting the change? You can't change anyone's attitude or behavior. They have to be the ones that change. Dig into the mind level, people love to change but fear loss. People do feel very uncomfortable and vulnerable in the face of "uncertainty" (their perception at any moment in time) - it is essentially this feeling inside them that they are resisting - they do not want to experience it within themselves and so they push back on their own reality in the best way they know how. It is directly proportional to the perception of the potential impact and your ability to control the change. Therefore, it needs a solid organizational culture that is built on the foundations of “accepting change.” During the whole process, make sure that all staff is aware of the plan and process, timely updated, and responsible for something. Make your plan flexible and implement changes based on staff feedback. Because people are always at the center of changes.
Transformative change takes a holistic approach: Too often transformational change is acted on the basis of improving one part of an organization at the expense of other parts of the organization. The main reason is that up to this point in time, most leaders have been silo managers and don't really have the business skills or personality traits to lead change and transformation. Change Management is all about balancing the following main elements impacting change: People (the most important one), Strategies, Process and IT. And you have to maintain and fix any imbalance in those elements by establishing a cross-functional change management team to involving the management in the HR, IT and operations. Secondly, you want to emphasize on the talent management role in the change management because people are always considered as the real axle for the organizational movement. IT can help to weave all these important business elements such as process and digital technology & tools into the building blocks of change capability and highlight the characteristics of “Changeable Organization” such as flexibility, agility, and innovation. It’s important to weigh in different variables and manage change via a holistic approach.
Real change and creativity are deprogramming old mindsets, letting go of outdated traditions or the voices from the past, reprogramming collective minds with new values, norms, and attitudes. To make change sustainable, engage people in the design of change solutions so that critical issues can be surfaced and addressed early, make change cascade, take a holistic approach, set up and align change goals with business processes, and measure change result qualitatively and quantitatively.
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