Being digital ready is both an attitude and a set of the leadership and business capabilities.
Although developing and implementing a digital strategy is at the top list of business executives’ agenda, Being digital ready goes beyond just applying the latest technologies, or playing the latest gadget. There are still many gaps need to be close, and there are also a lot of pitfalls on the way. Therefore, truly forward-thinking organizations are taking a holistic approach to making the business “Digital Ready” via bridging the following three gaps in order to implement digital strategy seamlessly.
Trust gap: Many organizations are still running in a command and control mode and live in the work environment lack of trust. One thing that is true, fear and anger operate on the lowest level and can do little more than create order in the short term. When leaders realize that if you want to achieve greatness in your realm, you will have to touch the upper levels, thus, eliminating fear and anger as options. There are so many things employees will not tell their managers what're in their mind, and unfortunately, there are not so many things that are positives. It is an indication of a lack of trust. Also no blind trust or trust too little. Leaders need to show staff that you respect them, first, understand what they care, trust them in a safe environment. The great leadership is not based on fear or command control, but through trust, empathy, and inspiration. Help employees not to fail, and if they do, show yourself to be trustworthy by supporting them. In order to close trust gap, continue to see the importance of dealing with blind spots by learning how to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. Your signal light behavior illustrates the value of maintaining self-control when you face hardships in business or your personal life.The more we understand its vitality and the anatomy, the better will be our ability to lead in different situations.
Strategy-Execution Gap: Digital strategy execution is not linear steps, but an iterative continuum. Often, the business strategy execution gaps exist at people’s mindsets, organizational cultures, business processes & capabilities, measurement methods, and tools, etc. The managements need to make sure that STRATEGY is on the right track, otherwise, they have to take corrective ACTIONS. More specifically, what you are going to achieve could be “LONG TERM” or “SHORT TERM” goals. If strategy (the deliberate strategy) is planned or intended, usually it is LONG TERM. After that, they need to have SHORT-TERM actions which are aligned with the goals. The gaps exist because the strategy planning or ideation team and implementation team have a different focal point, priority, and performance evaluation criteria. Thus, to close the gap, cross-functional communication and collaboration are important, also it’s crucial to take a systematic approach via leveraging effective tools such as a balanced scorecard, and set measurement to gauge the right things and gain holistic perspectives.

Being digital ready is both an attitude and a set of the leadership and business capabilities. Highly mature organizations not only apply the most advanced digital technologies into their business but more importantly, they weave all important factors, from shaping the holistic digital mindset to building the high-performing digital culture, from filling blind spots to closing multiple gaps, with the ultimate goal to achieve long-term business prosperity.
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