Be humble, desire insight, squash arrogance, and be cognizance of unknown.
Ineffective change leadership: Change needs to have reasons: Remember no one like change especially when one can not identify the justification for the change, the “What’s It In Me” argument. Lack of effective change leadership is no doubt one of the root-causes to fail change efforts. Successful transformations require leaders to over-communicate the transformation vision. Unclear communication for vision, goals, the need for change, benefits of change and each one's role in the change is a huge mistake. The top leaders need to be the Change Agent to walk the talk, to set the right tone for others to follow. Top leaders' sponsorship for change is absolutely helpful, and change also must be adopted and led by all of the first line managers who can then drive the specific change activities from bottom-up. Only through effective leadership, change management can be well designed and practiced systematically.
Silo Mentality: Silo mentality is a common challenge for lots of organizations to make change sustainable and ensure the business as a whole is superior to the sum of pieces. In essence, with a silo mentality, organizations lose their collaborative advantage as they are being over managed and under led, remain disconnected, hoard knowledge and power within silos, have change inertia, and do not have the competence to collaborate in the long term. Even businesses step into the hyper-connected digital world, many business managers and professional still apply old silo management mindsets to new ways of organizing, and this legacy of the old economy limits many 'networked' organizations. In today's volatile economy, nothing impedes change and progress more than protective silos which are simply a form of bureaucratic amorphous mass designed to preserve the status quo. Hence, the breakdown of the silo mentality is one of the important requirements for Change Management success.

'Change' is continuously happening in the environment of a company. The desires of stakeholders, clients, and employees are evolving naturally. The change or overall business transformation journey is thorny, there are many roadblocks on the way. Change Management, therefore, should be an adequate, logical, and systematic effort to any environmental shift. And now, social and enterprise collaboration tools do provide effective and interesting digital platforms to make change more tangible and measurable. Do not make a change just as a one-time initiative, but an ongoing business capability for achieving long-term prosperity.
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