With more advanced management approach and technologies, IT is moving up its maturity from functioning to firm to delight.
Organizations large or small are on the journey of digital transformation. Literally, digital transformation is to radically change the nature of something. So digital transformation is a radical change of business, leverage digital technologies to renovate business processes, innovate organizational culture, reinvent digital leadership, reimagine the new possibilities and unleash the full business potential of the company. Forward-looking organizations are also empowering their IT leaders to lead more proactively and take advantage of lightweight digital technology to catalyze digital transformation.

Optimization: Technology is often the disruptive force of digital transformation. Digital IT is also the enabler and optimizer to improve business effectiveness and efficiency. Business optimization is about using technology to lower costs, improve operations, and increase revenue. Therefore, the focus of digital IT needs to provide business capabilities, not just commodity services. Businesses need IT as a strategic partner who is passionate about exploiting information enabled by technologies to work at the center of the enterprise. The pervasive digitization requires both business and technology professionals to rethink how things are done in organizations. IT is in a unique position to oversee organizational processes which underpin business capabilities. Therefore, IT plays a crucial role in optimizing business operation management capacity with a keen eye to grasp growth opportunities, manage risks, and improve operational efficiency by applying lightweight technologies seamlessly. In addition, now we have more computing power, greater connectivity, more data, greater potential empowerment of the worker, etc. the pervasive digitalization requires learning agility -to experiment the “new way to do things,” “learning and doing” and encourage innovation.
Delight: With more advanced management approach and technologies, IT is moving up its maturity from functioning to firm to delight. The lightweight digital technologies have more power, but less wire, IT is also shifting from “built to last,” to “designed for change.” With the emergent digital trend of IT consumerism, business professionals request IT to think about the opportunities made available by pervasive digitization and provide the similar technologies or tools that they use in their personal life. They require not just things work but be delightful and innovative to improve their productivity and engagement. The cornucopia of design options needs to be exploited and managed, thus, becomes a crucial factor in an organization's success in producing digitized products and services. Therefore, user interface design often becomes a strategic topic for top executive teams to brainstorm customer-centricity. Because organizations with fine design and UX competencies are more capable of attracting and delighting customers, and properly implementing and accelerating their digital transformation as well, because they take better advantage of the information-based externalities inaccessible to older structures, a feat that will empower them to grow significantly faster than their linear counterparts, and improve organizational maturity as well.

Digital IT means hyperconnected with less wire; hyper-competitive with better capabilities; hyper-integrated with business via optimization; hyper-efficient via automation; running full speed with less friction, unleash its full potential via improvement, intelligence, and innovation.
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