A business capability is the set of abilities needed by an organization to do things effectively to achieve desired outcomes, measurable benefits and fulfill business demand consistently.
Business capability, in general, is defined as the ability to perform or achieve certain actions or outcomes through a set of controllable and measurable faculties, features, functions, processes, or services. It is the ability of the business to consistently deliver an expected result. What are differentiated digital capabilities for businesses to compete and thrive today?
Running IT as Digital Capability Builder of the Organization? Forward-looking organizations are making a continuous journey shifting from an inside-out operation driven organization to an outside-in customer-centric business; to improve competency. They also shift from process-oriented practices to capability-based strategy management. IT plays a more important role in such a digital paradigm shift. The capability is the ability to achieve the desired effect under specified performance, standards, and conditions through combinations of ways and means (activities and resources) to perform a set of activities. What are differentiated business capabilities can IT help to build for business to gain long term advantage?
Five Capability Blocks to Build Digital Competency People are always the most invaluable asset in any organizations. The forward-thinking digital organizations these days look for such hybrid talent, who has the digital fit mindset, the right balance of learning style, character and energy within the team; and who has well set of capabilities needed with digital speed. Due to the changing nature of technology and accelerating the speed of business changes, among the most pervasive and persistent concerns from IT leaders are skills gaps, the complaints include that people do not have the right competencies, they can’t find the right skills to fill the positions, etc. Is IT skills gap fact or fiction? What are the most important capabilities for digital professionals to survive and thrive in today’s fast-changing business dynamic?
Three Business Capabilities to Differentiate a Digital Leader from Laggards Digital transformation is a journey, from digital strategy crafting to organizational structure tuning, it has to permeate into business strategy and vision, mindset, and action, culture, and communication, process and capability, etc. A business capability is the set of abilities needed by an organization to do things effectively to achieve desired outcomes, measurable benefits and fulfill business demand consistently. In today’s digital paradigm, digital capabilities are also the building blocks to shift an organization from a reactive surviving mode to proactive thriving mode, here is a set of business capabilities to differentiate a digital leader from laggards.
Dynamic Capability as Resource: The dynamic capabilities' are defined as: "the firm's ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competences to address rapidly changing environments." With the increasing speed of changes and unprecedented uncertainty, dynamic capabilities thus reflect an organization's ability to adapt to changes, build new capability, and achieve innovative forms of competitive advantage given path dependencies and market positions. Do 'Dynamic Capabilities' (DCs) qualify as a business resource? Is DC a firm-specific asset that is difficult if not impossible to imitate?
Change as an Ongoing Capability” Change is a volatile subject, just like change itself. Everything changes continuously by following the laws of evolution, and the rate of change is accelerated. Corporate change can be a simple modification of strategy, a business process improvement or a more radical digital transformation. Either at the individual or organizational level, at the more static industrial era, change is a one-time project; at the digital age, change has to become an ongoing capability.

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