At the higher maturity level, organizations have to stretch out in every business dimension for driving the full-fledged digital transformation.
Digital makes a significant impact on every aspect of the business from people, process to technology and capabiity, both horizontally and vertically. Digital becomes the very fabric of high performing businesses, being outside-in and customer-centric is the new mantra for forward-looking and high mature digital organizations today. At the heart of digital, it is people and how to build a customer-centric organization. But how to assess the digital fitness of your organization for such a paradigm shift.

From “Doing Digital” to “Being Digital”
- Five Stages from “Doing Digital” to “Being Digital” Organizational digitalization is not just about using the latest technology gadgets or applying the fancy tools. At the high maturity level, organizations have to stretch out in every business dimension for driving the full-fledged digital transformation. There are a couple of evolutional ecosystem stages businesses have to experience in order to ride above the learning curve and move up the business maturity from “Doing Digital,” to “Being Digital.”
- Taking a Step-Wise Approach for Leading Digital Transformation: At the high maturity level, organizations have to stretch out in every business dimension for driving innovations and the full-fledged digital transformation. Either being a disrupter or being disrupted, digital makes significant impacts on every aspect of the business from people, processes, to technology and capability both horizontally and vertically. And organizations have to take a step-wise approach, continue assessing, fine-tuning and adapting, ride above the learning curve and take the journey of digital transformation steadfastly.
- A Bimodal Digital Organization - How to Strike the Right Balance between Agility and Stability Organizations large or small are on the journey to digital transformation, the paradox is that you need to keep the lights on to maintain the stability, but also be adaptive to the changes caused by digital disruption with increasing speed. Hence, many businesses just have to run the bi-modal mode: the industrial speed to do what they always do, and the digital speed by leveraging innovation to experiment the new way to do things. But philosophically and methodologically, what’s the right balance between being quick to adopt new methods and risking them for failing, and sticking with tried and tested ones and risking them becoming obsolete? Or more broadly speaking, how to strike the right balance between agility and stability?
- CIOs as digital leaders: Five dimensions of Digital Transformation? Modern IT organizations play a critical role in driving the digital transformation of the entire company. The CIO has to look forward and actively position the business in the right place to take full advantage of opportunities and emergent digital technology trends. DRIVING is not a passive activity. The role of modern CIO is to identify and blend the processes and practices that information and technology can assist and shape the business by linking all digital aspects together to enforce the value creation and drive digital transformation from multidimensional perspectives?
Five Aspects in Making a Bold Digital Transformation: Organizations large or small across the industrial sectors are on the journey of digital transformation. Digital transformation as the leapfrogging change, represents the next stage of business maturity and will improve how the enterprise works and interacts with its ecosystem, with the customer at the center of its focus. But what are further aspects and specific steps in making the bold digital transformation?
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