Decision masters are people; neither data nor process.
Decision-making is both science and art. Decision making is the art only when decision makers understand the science. Decision power is mind power. From the scientific perspective, decision-making is not an event, but a capability underpinned by a series of interrelated processes or steps. And there are five pillars in achieving decision-making maturity.

Perception: A selection among multiple available choices is a decision. The knowledge constraint and perception bias are paramount issues during the decision process. Human knowledge is imperfect about multiple choices and related outcomes as well. Hence, it’s important to understand the contrarian viewpoints and leverage collective insight, and practice mind power to guide through what to select from available choices, how to accommodate constraints, identify blind spots, and avoid distractions, and where to show firmness and flexibility.
Principles: Decision maturity is to ensure the right decisions have been made by the right people at the right time. From the business management perspective, decision principles provide a basis for decision-making throughout an enterprise and inform how the organization sets about fulfilling its vision and goals. Decision principles allow many people at different organizational levels to individually make their own decisions to run in the same direction and meet the same objectives in a consistent and rapid manner.
Process: Decision-making is not a one-time event, but an iterative process and a dynamic business capability. At today’s “VUCA” digital environment, the importance of the process becomes critical as decisions become more complex and involve diverse stakeholders. You need a sound process to frame the decision, leverage the right set of information, weigh options appropriately with the right people and actually make an effective decision.
People: Decision masters are people; neither data nor process. Decision-making assessment starts with the decision-maker evaluation. Very few decision master can make highly effective decisions all the time. In reality, many poor decisions are made by very intelligent people. It is the responsibility of each individual to examine themselves and their decision-making scenario to make sure they are open to true understanding for achieving decision maturity.
Practice: Like many other professional capabilities, it takes practice to improve your decision ability. If the decision-making scenario is well designed and well executed, you have the highest probability of getting the best outcome in the state of knowledge accessible at the time of decision making. Always attempt to identify areas in which measurable improvement can be realized via practicing, providing demonstrable progress is essential for improving decision maturity.
The decision-making is needed when there is uncertainty. Emotions and intuition matter; by following the well-defined set of principles, fine-tuned processes and the logical scenario of decision-making, it is more science than art.
Decision Master Book Summary
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Decision Master Introduction
Decision Master Chapter 1 Decision Intelligence
Decision Master Chapter 2 Decision Principles
Decision Master Chapter 3 Digital Decision Styles
Decision Master Chapter 4 Decision Pitfalls
Decision Master Chapter 5 Decision Maturity
Decision Master Conclusion Five Pillars in Achieving Decision Excellence
Decision Master Quotes Collection 1
Decision Master Quotes Collection 2
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