Decisions always refer to the future and future is always uncertain.
Decision Masters refer to the digital leaders or professionals who can leverage multidimensional thought processes, information and intuition, take a step-wise scenario for making effective decisions consistently. Decision Masters also refer to the businesses or organizations that follow a set of well-defined principles, leverage fine-tuned decision processes, efficient information management system, decision frameworks, tools, and metrics to enable people across the organization making effective decisions collaboratively.

“Decision Master” is the guidebook to perceive digital mindsets with multidimensional decision intelligence, define a set of decision-making principles, articulate potential pitfalls in decision-making scenario, describe digital decision-making styles, summarize the important elements in building the decision-making capability and taking stepwise steps to achieve decision maturity.
29 Decisions always refer to the future and future is always uncertain.
30 Decision-making style reflects leadership effectiveness and the level of digital professional maturity.
31 People with different personalities approach decision making in a different way.
32 Decision is about future; a decisive mind is future-driven.
33 Information and decision-making are intimately connected and interdependent.
34 Decisions are based on information and generate information.
35 “The science of decision-making is to make sure there is an effective decision process in place.”
35 “The science of decision-making is to make sure there is an effective decision process in place.”
36 Information applies to the context and environment in which decisions are made.
37 A valuable intuition is an insight with the speed of thought.
38 The key to decision-making is about the balance of intuition and logic; thinking fast and slow with harmony.
39 Intuition is like the inner compass that gives direction to the business leaders or professionals in making the decisions.
40 The hybrid decision-making style is practical because we live in such a hybrid, networked and extended modern digital working environment.
41 Decision-making is the discipline across the art and science; gut feeling and information; confidence and humility.
42 Poor decision making is often caused by reactive styles; ineffective processes, lack of knowledge or resources, cognitive gaps, unconscious biases, or procrastination, etc.
43 The characteristic of participative decision-making is to embrace the collective insight for achieving decision-making effectiveness and maturity.

45 Decision power is mind power.
46 “What is the decision” must sit between thought and action.
47 Effective decision making in the digital era requires speed, flexibility, and collective wisdom.
48 Business managers and professionals also have to live with the consequences of making the wrong decisions faster.
Decision Master Book Summary
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Decision Master iBook Order Link
Decision Master Introduction
Decision Master Chapter 1 Decision Intelligence
Decision Master Chapter 2 Decision Principles
Decision Master Chapter 3 Digital Decision Styles
Decision Master Chapter 4 Decision Pitfalls
Decision Master Chapter 5 Decision Maturity
Decision Master Conclusion Five Pillars in Achieving Decision Excellence
Decision Master Quotes Collection 1
Decision Master Quotes Collection 2
Decision Master Quotes Collection 3
Decision Master Book Summary
Decision Master Amazon Order Link
Decision Master B&N Order Link
Decision Master iBook Order Link
Decision Master Introduction
Decision Master Chapter 1 Decision Intelligence
Decision Master Chapter 2 Decision Principles
Decision Master Chapter 3 Digital Decision Styles
Decision Master Chapter 4 Decision Pitfalls
Decision Master Chapter 5 Decision Maturity
Decision Master Conclusion Five Pillars in Achieving Decision Excellence
Decision Master Quotes Collection 1
Decision Master Quotes Collection 2
Decision Master Quotes Collection 3
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