Managing performance means understanding results, setting metrics, fixing plans, and making decisions to ensure it happens.
Corporate Performance Management is a management control from strategy till shop floor. "If you can't measure, you can't manage," legendary management guru Peter Drucker once asserted. He was right. Managing performance means understanding results, setting metrics, fixing plans, and making decisions to ensure it happens. It takes multifaceted approaches from multidimensional perspectives.
IT Performance Management
Measuring Up for Running a High-Thriver IT? IT plays a significant role in building business competency and driving digital transformation. IT needs to continually assess its own capabilities and evaluate overall performance via multidimensional lenses. There are many great things about metrics. Metrics is part of transparent visual management allowing pulling. But how to measure up for running a thriver IT?
Making IT Assessment for Leading Digital Transformation Due to increasing speed of changes and exponential growth of information, more often than not, technology is the driver of business changes or the accelerator of the digital transformation. How can IT shift from a back office support function to the digital brain yard and forerunner? How should IT leaders and managers make an objective and comprehensive IT management assessment in order to lead changes and digital transformation effortlessly?
Three Performance Indicators for Keeping IT and the Business on the Same Page? Forward-looking IT organizations are on the journey of digital transformation. To improve IT management effectiveness and efficiency, keep in mind of this management mantra -”You can only manage what you measure.” CIOs need to keep a measure and periodicity at which the measure is reviewed against setting targets. Then ensure IT raises the bar on a continual basis to ensure the stakeholders get a real picture of how well the IT efforts are bearing desired results and keep IT and the business on the same page via the following indicators for accelerating digital transformation.
A set of Q&As (VIII) for IT Performance Management,"Modern CIOs face many challenges, it is not sufficient to only keep the lights on. Regardless of which industry or the nature of organization you are in, being a digital leader will need to master the art of creating unique, differentiating value from piles of commoditized technologies and take advantage of the emergent digital trend as well. Digital CIOs also have multiple personas, “Chief Innovation Officer,” “Chief Insight Officer,” “Chief Improvement Officer,” “Chief Information Officer,” and here, we discuss CIOs as “Chief Inquisitive Officer,” with a set of Q&As to lead the digital transformation.

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