Being able to foster a workplace that thrives on collaboration, social interaction and forward thinking is imperative for building business competency.
Hyper-connectivity is the most critical digital characteristics. Either business or the world is transforming from siloed functions, the sum of pieces into a connected whole. When things connect in this way, any entity wishing to negotiate a successful journey has to understand what the implications of this degree of connectivity mean to them. They have to understand what it means within their organization, but much more importantly, they have to understand the external changing connected environment or the entire business ecosystem. They have to adapt to changes and keep tuning the organization for getting digital ready. Here are three aspects of digital hyperconnectivity.

Cross-functional communication and collaboration: Cross-silo or cross-divisional collaboration is crucial to building dynamic digital capabilities. The most effective digital workplace is one where collaboration and sharing are the norms. The least effective culture at fostering a digital workplace is traditional command and control environments. It is imperative that we are willing to seek out help, break down silos, and harness cross-functional collaboration as we work to generate new ideas or solve problems. Collaboration in the business requires a much higher degree of innovative thinking than the competition and winning. Initiate new conversations that galvanize inspiration and gain traction on a powerful theme of renewal and growth. It is easy to work alone and take the attitude of competition, but it is much more difficult to collaborate with different parties even competitors. Sharing is about innovative compromise. It is excellent to bring social media to this realm, to urge a sense of connection via virtual "conversations" beyond the confines of a blighted neighborhood.
Collective learning and creativity: Creativity is about connecting the dots. Connecting the dots, both across and within organizational boundaries has always been a problem. Few organizations have found a way to reward the type of thinking that allows people to connect the dots for innovative problem-solving. Dot connecting is knowledge alignment to enhance collective learning and enforce collective creativity. Organizations and their people learn through their interactions with the environment. They act, observe the consequences of their action, make inferences about those consequences, and draw implications for future action. In other words, try to digitally connect key resources and assets in the context of the idea reaching innovation hubs and clusters across the digital ecosystem. In doing so, you can create a shared context for learning and co-creating. That, in turn, will further fuel more collaboration in innovative initiatives and projects to their environments. Innovation is a multi-disciplinary effort, thus, the most productive innovation teams should embrace multiple disciplines, close cognitive gaps, connect more dots to yield better ideas and competitive advantage.
Interconnectivity leadership: The leadership bar is also raised higher due to digital characteristics such as hyperconnectivity and transparency. Being who you are really become more crucial for leaders to build a consistent reputation. The industrial style of relation-based leadership via “who you know” also shifts to the digital style of interconnectivity leadership based on who you are- the mindset, expertise reflected through your omnipresent digital footprint. In order to lead today’s multigenerational, multicultural and multidivicing digital workforce, digital leaders need to have intellectual to connect the minds and touch the hearts. Leadership is required to gain commitment and engagement, rather than just compliance with work tasks. It is also required to ensure endurance, a persistence that mere authority can’t generate. The interconnectivity leadership depends on influence, not brute force: What are you trying to communicate? What are you trying to communicate and who is your audience and how do you personally communicate best? Digital leadership influence is based on persuasive communication via logic and insight; being persuasive needs to be authentic, convincing and consistent. Being able to foster a workplace that thrives on collaboration, social interaction and forward thinking is imperative for building business competency. In some respects, the role of a business leader is to attain those things that management alone is unlikely to attain. Besides soft quality, the hardcore of leadership is knowledge, insight, capability, and wisdom in order to make sound judgments and solid decisions.
Digital is all about hyperconnectivity. A digital organization is about collaboration, digital collaboration needs to focus on harnessing cross-functional collaboration via iterative communication, robust processes, and management innovation. The organization should keep tuning its structure and process, to become more adaptable, take advantage of the latest digital technology platforms & tools, and provide the space for people to exercise their capabilities, with the goal to run a highly innovative and high effective business.
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