Amplify the voice of Systems Thinking and create harmony via the diverse thoughts and perceiving diversity in unity.
Systems Thinking is a discipline for seeing wholes, and understanding the relationship between the parts and the whole. The relationship is everything. It is a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than isolated things, for seeing patterns of change rather than static “snapshots,” to perceive diversity in unity. In management practice, Systems Thinking advocates inclusiveness; and inclusiveness enforces Systems Thinking.
Systems Thinking advocates the culture of inclusiveness: Systems Thinking sees connectivity and interdependence. Many human problems are caused by silo thinking or mislabeling. People often like the ones who are similar to themselves, and they tend to be hostile to those who most disturb our beliefs, and in the process preserve the beliefs of the groups with which they associate. In Systems Thinking, the observers who have the problem define the boundaries of the system to improve. That means Systems Thinkers are eager to understand the opposite point of views, and always try to see the two sides of the coin in order to shape a holistic viewpoint. From a development point of view, it is interesting to think about the challenges that come with integrating Systems Thinking into individual behavior, and perhaps most importantly, the influence of social systems that value it or not. Don't judge anything until you can engage with the flow, then look more closely at the mechanisms that are creating the flow. Learn how to shape an objective view without cognitive distortion that results from systemic ignorance or neglect of the cognitive layer of the whole. Embrace inclusiveness to enforce collective wisdom.
Systems Thinking is about the balance of diverse and converse thinking: Systems Thinking helps to discover the connectivity and common ground from the difference and dig into the paradoxical intelligence between seemly two separate views. And therefore, it embraces diversity and advocates inclusiveness. There is always an argument between “WE” and “THEM.” We create conflicts between our group and other groups that have their own senses of reality that conflict with ours. Thus, disagreements and antagonisms arise between groups. This may lead to our simply ignoring these other groups. Or it can cause us to rationalize our own sense of reality by disempowering. By pre-judging people motives without actually analyzing through questioning or research, we ourselves demonstrate at least non-systemic thinking. To avoid misjudgment or unconscious bias, and avoid making repeated mistakes, it’s important to leverage Systems Thinking to ask why you make those mistakes, why there is the difference, and realign or reorient thinking to build systems thinking mindset and make sound judgments.
Systems Thinkers shape worldviews based on the realization of interconnectedness: Everyone performs systems thinking to some degree, whether they're aware of it or not. Simply a lot of us as humans can and really think systemically, even if we are not aware of this fact, or don't use the specific terms by default. To think profoundly and avoid the trap of the superficial thinking, you have to really dig beneath the superficial layer, see around the corner and transcend the interdisciplinary knowledge, to understand others deeply or get to the heart of the matter; unfold systemic relationships, tell stories to others, solicit their feedback, do not fall into linear thought traps or only listen to one side of the story. The misjudgment is often caused by superficial thinking, lack of critical thinking, independent thinking, and Systems Thinking. Critical thinking is an integrated thought process of Systems Thinking, which means making clear, reasoned judgments, making up your own mind, and seeing the beauty of interconnectivity and inclusiveness.
Amplify the voice of Systems Thinking and create harmony via the diverse thoughts and perceiving diversity in unity, to communicate within the spiral of conscious awareness, is a story. Systems Thinking advocate inclusiveness; inclusiveness spark creativity; you can observe a creative result that was beyond the capacity of any one individual. And the collective creativity becomes the business competency.
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