Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Being objective not only takes intelligence, fresh insight, but requires unconventional wisdom.

We are at the intersection of the industrial age and the digital era; knowledge economy and creative economy. Talent management is not static, but needs to be dynamic and innovative, take a cross-disciplinary approach for unleashing human potential cross-disciplinarily. 

In order to make an objective assessment of people’s professional competency, you really need the acumen and insight to probe in a profound way. The quality of assessors is critical to the quality of the assessment result. Assessors should try to create a positive impact by making sound judgment. They are capable of judging others’ capability/capacity based on their own perception, knowledge proficiency, and level of integral professional competency.

Insightful observation: Insightful observation should always be the first, and one of the most critical steps in making objective assessment. Either observing people or things, there are quite a lot of angles to observe, and there are many ways to deepen observation. Observe how people think, decide, act; observe how they communicate, interact, influence; observe how people handle problems, tensions, conflicts, adversities, etc. Insightful talent assessors make qualitative observation and assessments of character, mindsets, potential, multidimensional intelligence, and overall people’s professionalism.

Lack of critical thinking causes perception gaps and further leads to misjudgment. Being insightful is a state of mind for continuous observing, reasoning, and evaluating. Look deeper underneath the surface; see around the corner to gain holistic viewpoints. Observations and inquiries can mutually reinforce each other if only you could gather adequate information, make extensive observations in a logical way.

Fair judgment:
There are all sorts of unconsciousness, misperception symptoms such as preconceived ideas about people, stereotypical thinking of roles, outdated common sense, etc. Judgmental intelligence is critical to be a qualified and insightful talent assessor who is good at making acute observation and deduction, questioning, connection, objective perception, discernment, etc. Our perception is an interpretation based on our conditioning, beliefs, insight, leading us to judge others, all of which may be positive or negative, depending on our judgmental skills and articulation.

Do not go from a group label to a preconceived opinion about people or things. Insight takes both creativity and reasoning, intuition and logic. Technically, judgmental intelligence is the combination of multiple professional qualities such as cognitive ability, learning agility, and intellectual curiosity. People with the power of judgmental intelligence are the thinkers of consequence, not thinkers of convenience. It’s important to become more inclusive and tolerant of the differences; learn how to shape an objective view without cognitive distortion or unconscious biases.

Level of compatible competency: People are at different stages of professional growth and development. There are generalists and specialists; there are different levels of knowledge proficiency, professional skill fluency, or competitive uniqueness, etc. Insightful talent assessors are broad enough to see people’s professional capability in a structural way; deep enough to understand how much innate talent, personal effort, learning agility, experiences, education/training, needed, etc, to make certain achievement. So they can make a fair evaluation of people’s overall career portfolio systematically.

How are these assessors capable of judging others and their professional capacity if they do not know the measurement starting points-themselves? People with compatible or higher levels of professional competency have considerably better chances to be objective assessors. Besides linear skills or knowledge domains, there are interdisciplinary expertise and integral competencies with core focus. People need to keep exploring their talent, broadening relevant capabilities and deepening their expertise to solve more complex problems. Therefore, leaders and talent managers need to demonstrate strong judgmental intelligence to make objective assessments in order to put the right people in the right positions for improving collective performance.

The talent assessment and development are critical to a business’s long-term success because people are always truly invaluable assets in any business. Being objective not only takes intelligence, fresh insight, but requires unconventional wisdom. Talent performance and potential assessment are not just a stand-alone assessment, but a structured personalized talent development process and a structural management scenario.


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