Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Science of management is to create a structure and fine tune the logic to enable business transformation smoothly. 

Organizations are inherently and intensely complicated. These changes do not happen in isolation from each other in predictable ways. Many businesses are at the crossroads where the silo of business functions are at a need to reach across the aisles and work with each other respectively to understand complex business problems holistically and solve them systematically, 

 It’s important to involve all stakeholders right from the beginning; take an optimized business approach to improve expectation management/perception management etc, and run a high performance organization.

A complex and dynamic business system needs to be elaborated in a well-organized effort with a variety of shareholder involvement: Digital boundary is not static, but dynamic, organization becomes "unconscious" when it is no longer responding to the external environment and it’s seemingly detached from their business ecosystem. Building strong relationships with stakeholders makes the listening process simpler and any adjustments in approach easier to execute. Understanding the interconnectivity of systems and relationship dynamics are also important for both identifying the real issues and solving them smoothly.

From content, to context, to insight, follow this order to deepen your understanding. Leveraging a wider thinking box enables business leaders and professionals to understand cause-effect, manage business complexity holistically. Innovative problem solving is a deliberate mental effort involving disabling some of the old “wirings,” and making new connections. It's critical to recognize patterns, perceive invisible behind the scenes, be able to reframe circumstances, alter the frame of reference to create previously unconsidered business solutions.

It's important to build tremendous trust and user-focused engagement and show Respect, Relevance, Intelligence: We all bring different perspectives and our boundaries could change based on open dialogues. It’s important to set up a heterogeneous team with cognitive differences, and its team members can proactively stimulate the creative energy and their collective psychology shapes the culture of innovation. In reality, we can have brilliant ideas, but too many of them dissolve into nothingness because they are not noticed and acknowledged for their relevance. Using cooperative effort rather than relying on fully self-generated effort in an open atmosphere of communication among people across organizational hierarchy, can have deeper and longer impact on organizational performance.

There is an ever-greater ability for businesses to create engagement around specific goals. The most effective way in confirming senior management's buy-in is to show how the information, directly and indirectly, affects productivity, performance, and profitability. When managing the innovation life cycle, customer involvement at all stages often elicits highly valuable information.

It needs to connect interdisciplinary management dots to involve development, enablement, and enhancement: Running a high-performance business is about gaining the necessary knowledge to understand and manage holistic business ecosystems. It is also important to understand how the people factor affects the business system, and then, managing the complex system and the people of the complex system. The interdisciplinary business insight should lead us not only to understand, but also to predict; dig into the root cause of problems, not just point out symptoms, to solve them systematically.

Talented people with cognitive differences can understand things from different angles and bring new perspectives to the table, tell the full story with the business context, and unleash collective potential. It involves the multidimensional analysis and multistage processes. Interdisciplinary science can be applied to management by integrating multidisciplinary methodologies, enables leaders to frame bigger thinking boxes, and manage the digital business by taking the multi-faceted approach, technically, culturally, systematically.

To bring order into the world of complexity means truly pushing harder and pulling resources together and making the business information-savvy and performance driven. The art of management is to reimagine, let things “loose” a bit, to evolve flowing; the science of management is to create a structure and fine tune the logic to enable business transformation smoothly


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