It is up to you to- never give up, or give in. become an example, a hope for -those lagging behind progression curves, brightly.
people are -
all vulnerable at-
certain points;
knowing who you are,
what you think,
help to-
improve -
cognitive, relational, assertive actions,
you take on-
a day to day basis,
are you able to-
gain a deeper connection with -
yourself, natural surrounding,
navigate through -
the journey of growth,
Self-exploration doesn't happen,
fear or love are present as-
the choice;
do not ignore -
that deeper calling,
make room for -
the unknown parts self to -
claim their right to -
be part of the whole,
It is up to you to-
never give up,
or give in.
become an example,
a hope for -
those lagging behind -
progression curves, brightly.
all a person needs is to-
be reminded -
they do hold the power to -
change within-
they are gaining-
a deeper connection with-
themselves, natural world;
the way they navigate -
through changes;
is not just reactive,
but active, proactive;
discover themselves to-
be not one,
but many-
a multitude of selves, coherently;
some are -
articulate, resilient,
some are-
out-of-the-box, vulnerable;
it has to do with -
discovering that source within,
bringing it out into-
the world,
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