Talent Management is and should be the agent of change.
People are always the most important asset of the organization. The digital dynamic continues to evolve with the increasing speed of change and rapid integration of the business across the globe. Talent Management is throwing fresh challenges and calls for radical change to be embraced. Talent Management has adapted to the changing workforce in the changing workplace and added additional best of breed talent and engagement systems to their existing core. Talent Management is positioned to make a true impact on the bottom line with the shifts from managing human resources to investing human capital. Talent management is no longer the responsibility of just HR: All functions in the organization have a stake in strategic talent management practices. It requires cross-functional collaboration between HR, executive team, managers, finance, marketing, IT and others. At the dawn of the digital era, what are the emergent trends and how to retool talent management to optimize the collective human capabilities?

Talent analytics is no longer 'nice to have,' but 'must-have,' practice for the digital organization: The analytics brings important indicators on how talent and organization should focus and invest in human capital and organization efforts on people. In HR, you need to make this activity as HR's routine work and spend a lot of effort to tuning and practicing. Data-driven talent management will bring business leaders together across the organization to share their experience and insight wherever there is a GAP in the system, help to streamline and identify root causes immediately and give practical guidance for improving talent management and using it in creative ways to gain predictive insight and competitive advantage.
Talent management should determine its orientation more specifically in the forthcoming era. Is it business management-oriented or "people" oriented? The talent analytics scenario includes the following steps:
1) Creating a vision and path for workforce analytics.
2) Engaging workforce planning, deployment, and development based on performance both qualitatively and quantitatively.
3) Doing social network analysis to improve effective communication and collaborative innovation. 4) Embracing futuristic trends such as visualization and proactive presentation. Focus on talent empowerment, not just “data boom.”
5) You also need to utilize available data and leverage analytics to inform decision making. HR often falls short in this area. So it has to work collaboratively with IT to utilize technology to gather the data from multiple sources and allow sophisticated analytics, with the goal to manage the talent lifecycle effectively.
Talent management should determine its orientation more specifically in the forthcoming era. Is it business management-oriented or "people" oriented? The talent analytics scenario includes the following steps:
1) Creating a vision and path for workforce analytics.
2) Engaging workforce planning, deployment, and development based on performance both qualitatively and quantitatively.
3) Doing social network analysis to improve effective communication and collaborative innovation. 4) Embracing futuristic trends such as visualization and proactive presentation. Focus on talent empowerment, not just “data boom.”
5) You also need to utilize available data and leverage analytics to inform decision making. HR often falls short in this area. So it has to work collaboratively with IT to utilize technology to gather the data from multiple sources and allow sophisticated analytics, with the goal to manage the talent lifecycle effectively.
Multichannel recruiting: The term social hiring, social media hiring, social recruiting, etc. are interchangeable. You can define it as a process for quickly attracting the appropriate candidates using a number of current technologies and messaging platforms, in an integrated manner. One of the keys to success is integration. Talent management needs to be well integrated with culture management, knowledge management, and performance management more cohesively. In the company of the future, we need to move from Information Age to the digital era where action and empathy (emotion) are re-emphasized for competencies going forward. Leveraging the digital talent management pipeline and take an integral approach becomes more strategic imperative. Social computing provides a convenient platform to engage diverse and intellectual minds in brainstorming and sharing wisdom. The thought leaders or social influencers emerge because their voices get amplified by “who they are,“ not just “who they know." Digital tools are becoming more widely used, and more companies adopting social media platforms, Social touch in recruiting is a phenomenon, it is not just a fad, but an actual characteristic of how "C"-the connected generations from baby boomers to Z-Gen communicate and collaborate, how the new knowledge gets created, how the work gets done and how the challenging problems get solved. And the digital footprint of individuals or organizations become their identity and brand. More often than not, the inability to attract good candidates is caused by ineffective social hiring or digital recruiting. The main purpose to leverage multichannel recruiting is not to catch the trend, but to discover the authenticity, and improve talent management effectiveness.

Talent Management is and should be the agent of change. They need to be involved in all steps of change. Talent Management continually needs to show its value. Well define the set of competencies to tailor your organizational needs. So it has become necessary to develop strategic core competencies for digital professionals. Leverage the new digital technologies, be open-minded for the changes, embrace the new way to do things, and retool talent management to unleash both individuals' and businesses’ potential.
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