People with gravitas are both confident and humble, self-aware and persistent, proud and egoless; steady and flexible, consistent but also creative.
Gravitas can be defined to mean of substance, seriousness, or dignified demeanor. And it is important to both those who aspire to lead and those who allow others to lead them. Individuals who possess gravitas work to maintain decorum most conducive to achieving the desired results regardless of the situation at hand. They also present Emotional Excellence to make positive leadership influence. It becomes a significant leadership and professional quality. More specifically, what is Gravitas all about, and how to assess a person’s gravitas?

Do you have self-awareness about “Who you are”? It’s not about acting, it's about how you can generate specific energy in yourself to help consciously create the authentic impact you choose. Gravitas is neither defined by external environments nor external pressures but is ultimately defined by the character traits and innate abilities that are refined by these external actions and interactions which make up processor journey. Knowing who you are or being self-awareness, allows you to become a better leader or high professional with gravitas. Knowing who you are and how you react and respond in different situations can help you understand and improve the cognitive, relational and assertive actions you take on a day to day basis.
Do you have gravitas related qualities such as confidence, consistency, steadiness, or persistence? Gravitas is an attitude, rather than a behavior. Behavior is just its way of exposing itself to the world it interacts with. It's a responsive element, in that attitudes receive influences from the outside and adjust, if each in their own fashion -- somewhat comparable to the "gravitational" considerations in Newtonian planetary physics that lent their name to the game. Gravitas and humility have similarity, but also different. Humility is more attitude driven, with humbleness, but gravitas can mean even more, it could be situation driven, it means consistency, persistence, steadiness, confidence or even a piece of pride, to be who you are and what you do. It takes the breadth of understanding of situation and depth of cogitative insight upon circumstances to have nature magnet to cause so-called gravitas.
Do you have the right dose of “Ego” to reach the great level of gravitas? Everyone needs to have some ego for a sense of self-worth. We all have an ego - an ambitious sense of self that drives us to accomplish things. But too much of everything is bad including the big headed ego. More precisely, you can't have too much or too little ego, you can be more or less egocentric, and you can only have a greater or lesser awareness of ego. Ego and self-worth are slightly different but interconnected. And in that scenario, feeling good about yourself is feeling good about your ego personality. However, many have an unhealthy ego - an inflated, pompous, selfish drive that fights to win at all costs. A healthy ego, by contrast, is one in service to our higher selves (that intuitive, a more selfless aspect of ourselves that is the truly enduring part). When healthy, the ego still helps us succeed via our own strength in a professional way. We need a well-developed ego but we have to keep it under control, in that way, we would also reach the right level of gravitas.
People with gravitas are both confident and humbled, self-aware and persistent, proud and humble; steady and flexible, consistent but also creative. They can maintain the composure whatever be the situation, either being glorified or vilified, neither reacts tremendously when they receive good praise nor extremely dejected about anything good or bad, understand the philosophy of the life and pursue the ultimate human wisdom.
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