Putting the right people in the right position to close the cognitive gaps, capability gaps, and communication and trust gaps.
Now we are approaching the inflection point in which businesses are facing accelerating changes and can be disrupted even overnight, the business world and our society are shifting from the industrial silo mode to the digital hyperconnectivity. However, there are still cognitive gaps existing in people's minds, capability gaps stopping the business from running the full speed to accelerate strategy execution, and the soft gaps such as communication, trust to build the walls cross-functionally, across-industrial or cross-culturally. How to close these gaps and speed up the digital transformation?

Minding IT Talent Management Gaps
- Five IT Management Gaps on the Journey of Digital Transformation: Organizations large and small are on the journey of digital transformations, IT plays a pivotal role in driving changes and building business capabilities and competencies. Because Information technology is penetrating into every core process of organization; companies that lacked the skills to manage IT effectively suffered compared with competitors that had mastered those skills. But what are the existing IT management gaps, and how to close them in order to achieve the next level of business maturity more specifically?
- Three Perspectives to Bridge the “Trust Gaps” ? Digital workforce in organizations today are multigenerational, multicultural, multidevicing; on one hand, the business becomes hyperconnected and always on; on the other hand, every person is different, every generation is different, and every region in the multinational company is also different, from talent management perspective, besides “skills gap” the organization need to close; minding the trust gap is perhaps another challenging facing in businesses and our society.
- Five Aspects in Closing IT Gaps Organizations large and small are on the journey of digital transformation. The overly rigid business hierarchy with command-and-control management style came through the industrial revolution with the perspective that everything, including organizations, can be viewed as mechanical in nature. In the "Birth of the Chaotic Age" with explosive information abundance and the dawn of digitalization, it makes a very strong case that command-and-control organizations with bureaucratic culture are inherently incapable of handling, processing, managing the sheer volume of information we are faced with. IT as the information steward of the business, how to close the gaps and help to build a hyper-connected and highly innovative digital organization?
- How to Close the Gaps in IT Talent Management? People are always the most invaluable asset to any organization, and having the right person in the right position at the right time is always one of the biggest challenges facing any business. This is particularly true for IT, due to the changing nature of technology and abundance of information. Some fresh mindsets, new skills, or integral digital capabilities are needed every day because we live in a time of rapidly changing digital dynamic. However, people are often the weakest link in strategy execution as well, so how to identify and close the gaps in IT talent management more specifically?
Three Traits to Bridge Digital and Global Leadership Gaps: We are at the age of digital dawn, now the physical barriers can no longer be the walls to separate people from communicating and sharing knowledge and insight, are we on the way to recognize the best of the best, or simply blend the variety of perspectives into the new ideas and solutions, and more critically, what are emergent traits to bridge global leadership gaps, and develop the new generation of digital leaders and managers who can gain respect, win hearts and minds not just locally, but globally?
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