A high "EQ" mind has gravitas and maintains the composure whatever be the situation - either being glorified or vilified.
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others.A mature reaction to a given situation will determine your level of Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Higher EQ helps you have an open mind, minimize biases, be cautiously optimistic, be an effective listener and be more creative. More specifically, how to assess a person’s “EQ” level?

Can you manage emotion with a balanced mindset? EQ is generally said to include three skills: (1) Emotional awareness, including the ability to identify your own emotions and those of others; (2) The ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problems solving; (3) The ability to manage emotions, including the ability to regulate your own emotions, and the ability to cheer up or calm down another person.” (psychology.com) Some of the important attributes of EQ are like: how do you relate to others' problem, are you empathetic, are you optimistic and so on. These skills are required because it helps to inspire others, make better decisions, build a team, drive ideas and solve interpersonal/intrapersonal relationships. Only a balanced person can offer a helping hand and empathy towards others. Only a balanced mind can take the tough decision and make better choices. Without the inner balance of energies, one cannot achieve a perfect balance of emotions and logic.
Can you show gravitas and maintains the composure whatever be the situation - either being glorified or vilified? The importance of EQ gets prominence as seniority increases - working with people and getting more complicated tasks done gets more relevance as you grow. IQ is about the ability to reasoning and cognitive skills which are important for the digital knowledge workers today. However, to move up and take more responsibility and accountability, EQ is important as it drives the organization success. The high EQ drives a positive mindset and keeps you motivated about life. A leader who neither reacts tremendously when he/she does/sees/receives good praise nor extremely dejected about anything (glorified or vilified) happening to him/her is a hallmark of a human with supreme EQ. High EQ helps a leader in holding a group on a common goal, be confident when things are tougher; and be humiliated when getting complimented.
How adaptable, empathetic and mature are you as a digital professional or leader? Emotional intelligence is also a key component of an intellectual mind. There are as we all know, varying levels of intelligence; An EQ directly decides one’s adaptability, empathy and maturity. Emotional Intelligence is one of the essential qualities that makes a successful Leader. Though maturity is not necessarily equal to emotional intelligence, it’s part of EQ, Emotional Intelligence as a Human quality has elements such as:
- Self-awareness (knowing our strengths and weaknesses)
- Self-regulation (controlling our emotions)
- Empathy (understanding the emotions of others, being able to put ourselves in their shoes)
- Motivation (having a passion/drive for achievement & continuous improvement)
- Social skills (building rapport with others and influencing others).
EQ becomes a more important quality for digital leaders and professional because we live in such a fast-changing, complex, uncertain and ambiguous world. No matter if one is managing or participating in a collaborative environment, one’s emotional maturity enables the suspension of judgment. The self-actualized individual proposed by Maslow’s law is able to clearly understand their perspective and try to understand and incorporate the understanding of others without feeling the egos cry for attention. It is both trusts as well as an emotional maturity (a highly self-actualized nature) that allows one to collaborate and easily integrate the ideas of others. A digital leader or professional with high EQ can adapt to change more seamlessly and practice empathetic leadership more effortlessly.
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