Digital LEADERSHIP is the hidden GEM of the “Future of CIO” blog.
From one generation to the next, the substance of leadership does not change, it’s about future, change, and influence, it's about setting the direction for self and others to follow. However, the digital leadership trends will continue to emerge. Here is a set of featured blogs posted in this month to brainstorm the future of digital leadership.
Three Insight of Thought Leadership Leadership comes in all ages, forms, and styles. To put simply, leadership is to bridge, not to divide; leadership is to adapt, not too rigid; Leadership is to innovate, not a status quo; leadership is to move forward, not backward. This is particularly true for digital leadership because leaders today have to navigate through uncharted digital territories and lead toward a hyperconnected digital reality. Leadership effectiveness is less about controlling via the status quo, more about influence via mind connecting and heart touching. What is further insight about Thought Leadership?
In search of Creative Leadership Paradigm It is another Independence Day around the corner, it’s the day to re-imagine the digital paradigm shift, the time to practice independent thinking and contemplate the spirit of America - Freedom, Equality, and Pursuit of Happiness; and the moment to refine digital leadership - Are we on the journey in search of creative leadership to spark the next chapter of innovation blossom, to discover the better way to solve the old problems, as well as overcome emergent challenges?
Contemplating Leadership Profundity at the “Independence Day”? At the siloed industrial era, leadership effectiveness is perhaps dependent on the hierarchical level of authority and brute force style of command and control. It's about how loud you can speak or how hard you can push. However, with the digital nature of interdependence and interconnectivity, great leadership is not just situational, it is affected by context, culture, including capability and resources, and the means to the end, rather than just defined by the end result. And digital flow changes the landscape of communication, collaboration and connection, instead of being loud, digital leadership must go deeper, to touch the hearts and connect the minds, to practice the power of pull, and to lead via deep influence and multidimensional intelligence.
Vision as a Guide Light Vision is not a “Nice to have,” but “Must have” quality for top leaders today in order to direct the organization toward the uncharted water in today’s “VUCA” digital dynamic. Vision provides insight into where an organization needs to go and is future oriented. A vision is how you see the future unfolding, how you dream about what the future will look like from your standpoint, and how to direct people and business toward the destination you envisioned?

The blog is a dynamic book flowing with your thought; growing through your dedication; sharing your knowledge; conveying your wisdom, and making influence through touching the hearts and connecting the minds across the globe. The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 1.3 million page views with about #2900 blog posting. Among 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking and innovating the new ideas; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes the time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify diverse voices and deepen digital footprints, and it's the way to harness your innovative spirit.
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