Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Best “Understanding” (iiii) Quotes of “Digital Master” Oct, 2020

It's important to leverage System principles to understand the interconnectivity and do an in-depth cause-effect analysis, simplify complicated things, and deal with uncertainty smoothly.

"Digital Master” is the series of guidebooks (28+ books) to perceive the multi-faceted impact digital is making to the businesses and society, help forward-thinking organizations navigate through the journey in a systematic way, and avoid “rogue digital.” 

It perceives the emergent trends of digital leadership, advises on how to run a digital organization to unleash its full potential and improve agility, maturity, and provide insight about Change Management. It also instructs the digital workforce on how to shape a game-changing digital mindset and build the right set of digital capabilities to compete for the future. Here is a set of “Understanding” quotes (iiii) in “Digital Master.

Thinking creatively about a problem requires being close to the problem, having context for understanding the problem from different angles, and figuring out the alternative ways to shape better solutions.

The digital era upon us is about people. It’s important to understand the organization as a complex system and the people of the complex system. It is about applying a system's lens to understand how the people factor affects the business system.

Digital leaders should empower people with effective tools, motivate people to explore growth opportunities but understand the learning curve, seek additional knowledge and experience, develop problem-solving competency, and truly make change happen and sustain.

With unprecedented uncertainty, the management needs to dig through: Is the “unknown” factor not identified with the scope of the business planning or is it caused by “unknowable” - beyond the knowledge and understanding of management.

It's important to leverage System principles to understand the interconnectivity and do an in-depth cause-effect analysis, simplify complicated things, and deal with uncertainty smoothly.

Systems Thinking stimulates creativity because it allows you to identify interconnectivity, understand the flow, and explore new possibilities

For running a high performance and highly innovative digital organization, visionary leaders should have the foresight to capture business trends, have the insight to understand things holistically, practice “out-of-the-box” thinking to see things differently,

Business management needs to gain a systematic understanding of both visible and invisible success factors, apply system lens and interdisciplinary approach to plan, collect, process, and refine real-time information to gain business insight, fine-tune underlying business structures and systems, enforce interorganizational linkage, and take step-wise actions to achieve expected business results.


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