Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022


Isn't it a tough journey to write 9100 blog postings - to pursue the digital way of brainstorming, innovating and story-telling?Leadership is about direction and change; it’s the influence based on philosophy and a set of practices to persuade and innovate. Blogging is a type of thought flow, energy glow; it is the flow that casts its glow, sparkling a radiance all around. It’s a tough journey to celebrate 9100 blog postings - to pursue the digital...


Compared to traditional governance approaches which focus on compliance; effective governance today should understand performance and compliance are the two sides of the same coin.To survive the “VUCA '' new normal, GRC becomes more critical than ever in digitalized organizations with extended business boundaries in an increasingly flat world and the desire for more innovation will make governance issues more complex. Corporate governance includes...


It is a successful culture that makes for a successful organization.Digital means the increasing pace of changes and continuous disruption. Culture as collective mindset, attitude, is like the “glue” that holds and binds key success factors of the business together to build differentiated organizational competency. Often the "soft" culture is invisible, but much more complex than the hard processes or technology, as problems with culture are driven...


Judgment occurs- at a conscious level; discernment can occur, at a subconscious level, tapping into-an "inner knowing," seamlessly.As humans,we count on -five senses,to interact with -the world;to look, listen, feel, taste, touch,tangibly.There is -a sensitivity of- the body provides us- feedback on- all kinds of situations;inspires us with-breathtaking scenes;powerful knowledge;delight...


The variation in decisions to be made vary tremendously across the developmental spectrum."Decision Masters” refer to the digital leaders or professionals who can leverage multidimensional thought processes, information and intuition, and take a step-wise scenario for making effective decisions consistently. Decision Masters also refer to the businesses or organizations that follow a set of well-defined principles, leverage fine-tuned decision...

Monday, May 30, 2022


 Collaboration is the intellectual harmony between humans; a fundamental part of what ultimately fueled imagination and lead innovation!As boundaries today are fluid and cursive to streamline information and idea flow for adapting to changes constantly. Cross-silo collaboration is crucial to building dynamic digital capabilities. In fact, collaboration, teamwork, unity bring strength. Every collaborative team will be different, with different...


Forward-looking organizations experiment with different types of organizational structure design to enforce business alignment, enablement, communication, collaboration, and harmony.Digital makes a significant impact on every aspect of the business from people, process to technology, both horizontally and vertically. Digital becomes the very fabric of high performing business, being outside-in and customer-centric is the new mantra for forward-looking...


Society is an organization that belongs to us, it is a strategic imperative to frame the fresh mindset to see the ever-changing world via the multi-dimensional lenses.Compared to the industrial era with static information and overly restrictive boundaries in the last century, today’s internet-based world is hyper-connected, interdependent, diverse, with a multigenerational workforce, multipolar knowledge centers, multi-cultural wisdom, and multidimensional...


As the saying goes, “You can only manage what you measure.” Corporate Performance Management is a management control from strategy to the shop floor. "If you can't measure, you can't manage," legendary management guru Peter Drucker once asserted. Managing performance means understanding results, setting metrics, fixing plans, and making decisions to ensure it happens. It takes multifaceted approaches from multidimensional perspectives to...


Resilience is about -bounce; regaining one's footing, bouncing back, restructuring -life experience, cohesively; integrating changes, smoothly.Nature is- resilient,a plant is still- recognizably a plant, even if -it's all crooked to-get adequate light or soil;we can be- recognizably "us," if we undergo -high dynamic stress,adapt to -a difficult situation,elastically. Uncertainties are -a common occurrence, in any walk of -human progress, failure...

Sunday, May 29, 2022


Ingenuity means-being original and fresh, without following routines, conventional approach reactively, challenge assumptions conclusion, beliefs, insightfully.Ingenuity is-infused with- inner cohesion,comes from -a vision of uniqueness.Ingenuity is the ability -to solve difficult problems, creatively.Being ingenious needs- more understanding, not less. Ingenuity is -connotated with- insight, perception; understanding the inner nature of -things,thoroughly;design...


 Either individually or collectively, at the organizational level, capability matters as it directly impacts performance of problem-solving with consistency.In face of rapid change and fierce competitions, the dynamic digital organizations need to get away from change inertia, letting things fall apart; build a set of differentiated business capabilities with shortened delivery cycle. It is important to understand that digital business...


The success of investment is usually based on how they enable business growth and support the business objectives by delivering measurable services and solutions in time to the market perspective. The digital world moves into a hyper-connected and interdependent relationship under “VUCA” business new normal, it’s a healthy management discipline to gain a comprehensive value stream view, leverage value models to make wise investments, manage portfolios...


Digital enlarges the thinking and capability gaps because different organizations, functions, and individuals evolve with varying speed."Digital Gaps -Bridging Multiple Gaps to Run Cohesive Business” is a guidebook to help digital leaders and professionals today identify, analyze, and mind multiple gaps with multidisciplinary insight and holistic understanding. Today’s digital organization simply just can’t stand still., bridging the gap of...

Saturday, May 28, 2022


As humans, if we really are -as intelligent, as we claim to be, we would do -much better with -cooperation - sharing knowledge, gaining experiences, enhancing -mutual understanding, continually. Collaboratively, we can make progress, significantly.Collaboration is -at its essence, the intellectual harmony -between humans. We are all learning, growing, maturing, the universe makes us -unique with- individual...

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