Saturday, December 10, 2022


The advanced society is a dynamic continuum with the very characteristics of adaptability, hyper-connectivity, and interdependence.

The effects of an increasingly digitized world are now reaching into every corner of businesses and every aspect of organizations. 

Digital is the age of creativity and innovation, creativity is the most desired trait for digital leaders and professionals today, and innovation is the light every organization is pursuing. Which themes shall you set to advocate digital transformation? How to lead toward the digital future effortlessly?


 Initiatives of Advancement

Initiativestoinspireadvancement We live in a diverse global society with blurred geographical, functional, industrial territories, having a multigenerational workforce, multipolar knowledge centers, multi-cultural wisdom, and multifaceted innovation, etc. It’s important to infuse digital into every aspect of the organization, make a paradigm shift from industrial economy to knowledge economy to creative economy.

Inneradvancement The modern society is a dynamic continuum with the very characteristics of adaptability, hyper-connectivity, and interdependence. It’s the mixed world of virtual and physical working or living environments, solid and flow digital footprints, and delicate balance of process and creativity, etc.
Initiateadvancement Compared to the industrial era with static information and overly restrictive boundaries in the last century, today’s information-abundant, internet-based world is much more hyper-connected and interdependent. The knowledge domain or industrial territories are blurred, cross boundary communication and collaboration become the new normal. Advancement is about forward-thinking, knowledge enrichment, continuous improvement, and ultra-modernization.

Ingredientsinadvancement We are on the advancing journey when we move from information scarcity to knowledge economy to creativity economy. The most advanced things in the world are the mindset that can think forward, positively and creatively.

Upliftingadvancement Advancement is about vision, progress, improvement, fresh knowledge, intelligence, modernization while the opposite of advancement is primitivity, outdated concept/tradition, conventionalism, or stagnation.

The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 10 million page views with about #10100th blog posting in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. The “Digital Master” book series includes 29 books to share insight from the multidimensional digital lens and perceive the multi-faceted impact the digital era upon us is making to businesses and society. The content richness is not for its own sake, but to convey the vision and share the wisdom. Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking and innovating new ideas; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify diverse voices and deepen digital footprints, and it's the way to harness your innovative spirit.


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