Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Innovative Potential

Investigate your passion, discover your strengths, define core competency, and build differentiated capabilities.Every individual has, at least, the opportunity to actualize their potential; With abundant knowledge only a click away, and unprecedented opportunities and convenience brought by advanced technologies and methodology, what had been previously thought impossible is now accepted as possible. There are numerous proverbs about human potential;...

Risk Intelligence

 It’s crucial to choose the right practices. The most effective risk management practices will vary depending on the specific organization, industry, and the risks it faces.Traditional risk management often focuses on identifying and mitigating existing or past risks. Risk intelligence takes a more forward-looking, proactive approach. This proactive approach allows organizations to do sufficient analysis, monitor and communicate potential risks...

Impact of Physical Law to BM

  Those physics laws and their implication of logical reasoning enable the management to clarify their leadership principles, processes, and practices to improve organizational effectiveness and maturity.Physical law is applied to the physical world all over the place (like gravity or thermodynamics) as a form of logic. These laws establish consistent rules that govern the behavior of the physical universe. Understanding these laws allows...

Importance of Process governance

 Governance possess is essentially the system that oversees how processes are designed, implemented, and monitored continuously. Process governance refers to the framework of rules, structures, and practices that ensure business processes are managed effectively within an organization. It's essentially the system that oversees how processes are designed, implemented, monitored, and continuously improved. Process governance is not a...

Sunday, April 28, 2024


The Reference Architecture serves as the initial idea or blueprint that guides the design and development of a system.Reference Architectures are valuable tools for guiding structural system design and development across various domains. Reference Architecture can be a navigation point to various domains or business aspects. By providing a structured approach, best practices, and pre-defined components, RAs are often living documents that can be...

KM framework

A well-structured Knowledge Management Framework facilitates knowledge exchange between employees, breaking down silos and fostering collaboration & innovation. Business management understands the knowledge required to sustain itself and creates an environment and business systems to involve the exploration of the knowledge interdependencies and manage knowledge holistically. “The only sustainable competitive advantage is having a learning...

Artistic logic

 Creative logic isn't always linear or easily defined, but rather, a dynamic interplay between reason, emotions, and a deep desire to create something extraordinary.Art is a perception of the past, today or tomorrow; it invokes the “deep thoughts,” and intends to express “unexpressive.” A painter perhaps used vibrant colors and various shapes to evoke a feeling of anxiety. A sculptor might break the traditional rules of form and proportion to...


 By studying culture through a cross-disciplinary lens, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity and diversity of human societies.Culture is the collective mindset, attitude, and behavior. It is a complex and fascinating concept that can be examined through the lenses of sociology, anthropology, and philosophy. Here are the sociological, anthropological, and philosophical aspects of culture. Sociology: Sociology is the study of human...

Principles of Western logic

It's important to remember that logic is a tool, and its effectiveness depends on using accurate premises and following valid reasoning patterns.Western logic, also known as Aristotelian logic, is a formal system of reasoning that emphasizes clarity, structure, and validity of arguments. Western logic provides a framework for clear thinking, evaluating arguments, and drawing sound conclusions. Here are the main principles that underpin Western...

Saturday, April 27, 2024


The world becomes more advanced if humans and machines can keep learning and improving, work collaboratively, making breakthroughs to reach the next level of universal wisdom.Due to the exponential growth of information and rapid change in the digital era, human intelligence and machine intelligence would interact and collaborate more smoothly to accelerate advanced society. As high professionals, we should keep learning deeper and pondering profoundly...


Frameworks add value as they are implementations of the patterns to avoid reinventing the wheel for every business initiative. Frameworks are essentially reusable structures that provide a foundation for building something or dealing with certain issues step-wisely. Frameworks provide terms for communication and analysis, understanding & prioritizing. It is a widely used methodology for planning, monitoring, and evaluating initiatives, It involves...

Pondering about Universe

Who is she, what’s the purpose of- our universe; how broad can we reach; how deep are we able to - dive in?We watch the stars blinking, in the fantastic sky;navigate through- mountains, oceans;deserts, oasis;hills & valley;plateaus & meadows; Isn’t everything and everyone - part of the grand universe?. things are so connected, interdependent in- such an amazing ecosystem;we explore the knowns, ponder around unknowns....Science is -what we...

Thursday, April 25, 2024


Professionals today should be self-aware of their role in problem-solving, show professional maturity, and clarify strong logic of cause-effect reasoning.Nowadays, with the exponential growth of information and hyperconnectivity, there are multiple, interrelated dynamics in societal circumstances. Change is inevitable, and problem-solving is complex. It’s important to make extensive observations, do deep analysis, and gain an in-depth understanding...


To unify common beliefs, bridge differences, and explore the emerging digital horizon,we need to connect the right dots.Competitive uniqueness makes you shine even on a raining day. It provides the opportunity to think of new ways to do things; it helps the individuals or organizations to differentiate themselves from competitors. It’s important to create or nurture an inclusive environment in which people will genuinely feel good, willingly...


Great designs consider environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, and nature-human harmony.As the world makes the digital paradigm shift based on overflowing information, emerging technologies, and global workforces, forward-looking organizations, and talented professionals, focus on people-centricity; they intend to design personalized solutions to meet customized needs, and improve customer satisfaction, build strong brand name and organizational...

Monday, April 22, 2024


The capability view helps us identify “actuality and potentiality,” constantly discover talent, build strength, and improve capability coherence.Today’s information-exponential world is often more dynamic and complex than ever; digital professionals shouldn’t stop learning and growing. But you need to keep building unique professional capabilities. You become what you do, and you improve when you reflect and rectify what you have done. What are important...

Anthropological Roots and Blooms of Taiwan

People here have a sense of responsibility for building better communities. But it still takes a lot of effort to build a truly global society by integrating different structures, languages, cultures, and management styles seamlessly.I encircled Taiwan island, enjoyed the beautiful scenery, tried to discover its anthropological roots, and observed its social phenomenon. Taiwan is proud to be called “the island of the world” What is its character...


I got lost, once in a while, then found myself, nature inspires me to keep thinking ponder around; discern truth from myth, convey unspeakable holism, in the universe.Stand on -the mountain peaks watch sun risingfrom horizon splendidly,bring us hope as a new day unfoldingmaking us ponder aroundwhat could be happeningwho we would be meetingwhere we are going toin this big world at the next moment.Sat at the seaside,watching the tide up & down,water...

Impressive landscapes with mountain ranges and ocean strait

It’s time to say goodbye to “the island of the world’; the beautiful mountains and sea, friendly global strangers, variety of creatures, colorful plants, and flowers, and interesting food, all of which left me many memorable moments and added a great theme to my global trip.I am very impressed by the beautiful ocean strait coast and elegant mountain ranges I visited recently. after encircling Taiwan island from west to east, north to south, I headed...

Influential Voyage

Voyage is often not going so smoothly. It was Rocky Road, with Perils, tough lands full of trickswe have to-be cautious of our surroundings, the adventure has unknowns, we need to pass through it in discovering ourselves and the universe, constantly.Voyage is the vision;we follow our gut feelings,Guide through our mind,to go far far away..pass through mountains, oceans, desertssometimes we can control other times we can’t.Voyage is the journeywe...

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