Thursday, April 4, 2024


 Loving to learn and the passion to share, very much go together.

With VUCA“ digital new normal and exponential growth of information, you must first understand the art and practice of learning. In fact, continuous learning and training become highly important in the digital era due to increasing paces of change. People want to grow, develop, and learn, in fact, they want to change even though they don't realize it. Failure is part of the transition, that implies the importance of learning. We can learn from those quotes to overcome challenges on the way.

"Fall down seven times, stand up eight." - This proverb highlights the importance of perseverance and learning from setbacks. Failure comes to you, you need to overcome it; Failure is the chance to teach you the depth of life. Good attitude and scientific processes are also important to deal with failures. Dysfunction, complication, rigidity, and inefficiencies are not always easy to uncover. It takes the right fit talent, processes, methodology, and practices to identify un-priced, unmitigated, or plain old risks, so individuals or organizations can make a smooth transition.

"He who learns but does not think is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger." This maxim emphasizes the importance of both acquiring knowledge and applying it thoughtfully. While the conventional wisdom is to allow people to "learn from their own experiences", the learning curve is actually much shorter - and also much cheaper perhaps, to learn from others. Keep in mind, that learning from others doesn’t mean accepting others’ viewpoints completely, one’s knowledge is the other person’s information only. Critical thinking and independent thinking are always important to gain insight from static knowledge.

"Life is a constant teacher if we are willing to learn." This maxim captures the potential for learning experiences throughout our lives. In a positive working environment, people focus on the learning opportunities offered by assignments, rather than on the status quo that goes with them. The future of learning will require us to break away from the current one-size-fits-all mold and move to a personalized learning platform and diverse ways of learning, to really encourage people to become lifetime learners, strengthen their strengths, and pursue their interests.

Loving to learn and the passion to share, very much go together. the more you know, the more you feel humble, because even humans as a collective species, the things we know, compared to what we don’t know, are just the tip of the iceberg.


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