Great designs consider environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, and nature-human harmony.
As the world makes the digital paradigm shift based on overflowing information, emerging technologies, and global workforces, forward-looking organizations, and talented professionals, focus on people-centricity; they intend to design personalized solutions to meet customized needs, and improve customer satisfaction, build strong brand name and organizational reputation.What are the principles behind design and what’s the science behind the art?
Think about intention: What is the intended purpose of your design work? Knowing the purpose can help to guide your design choices. If art is a sort of expression or decoration, then design is how to make things not only functioning but also delightful. If art is more liberal, imaginable, spontaneous, and personal; then a piece of design work needs to consider the intention underneath the surface, practicality rather than just decoration.
Great designers ask insightful questions: Who are your potential users, what value do you intend to generate, and what kind of brand effect do you expect to create, etc? Modern society is reaching the phase of people-centricity; different people have different tastes and habits; so elegant design has both art and science ingredients in it to move toward the uplevel of humanity.
Increase contrast: You can increase the contrast between different concepts such as big and small, abstract and specific, bright & dark, hard and soft, simple and complex, frame & frameless, etc, to create holistic effects. People have their cognitive spectrum, favorite patterns, shopping appetites, and aesthetic tastes, so how to create an eye-catching scenery; create impressive phenomena; make things elegant, but not fragile; sustainable but not stale; encourage people to pursue uniqueness, select customized design to demonstrate their personality.
Explore different color combinations: If people who live in the industrial era with information scarcity are more used to “black & white,” choices; then in the hyper-diverse and connected digital era, people prefer multiple options. If each color means the charm of differences, then our beautiful natural world is an amazing design artwork of the universe.
So good design usually has different color & texture themes. For example, if purple usually means spiritual value) and gold usually means economic value. Purple plus gold is a value-added combination of design patterns, you might explore other color palettes to see if there are ones that resonate more with you as value is multidimensional.
We all should generate diverse social values and pursue our own ideas and ideals. Experimenting with cooler themes and warmer tones could also produce great results. The design work with brilliant color patterns perhaps analogizes that a group of people with complementary talent and skills can build a high-performance team to produce excellent value-added results.
Add highlights and shadows: We live in a multidimensional world with a lot of complex circumstances; either doing design work or taking the initiative to solve problems, emphasize important values and details, and also be cautious of potential distractions or pitfalls.
Adding highlights and shadows to the art texture can provide more depth and dimension of designs. This will make it look more sophisticated, eye-catching, and even thought-provoking. But keep in mind: the other important design principle: Simplicity is the key. Do not make things over-complex.
Consider external lighting, just like how critical the outliner leadership means for innovation: How the light interacts with the art can significantly affect its appearance and impact. Experiment with different lighting scenarios to see how they impact the overall aesthetic effect and delightful psychology.
People have a shadow mindset due to their confines of knowledge, negative past experiences, or victim mentality. A great piece of design perhaps cures them by changing their mindset, thinking positively; awakening their inner self, and inspiring them to discover their meaning & purpose, so they are able to interact with nature authentically and become more optimistic human beings.
It takes time to reimagine the future, broaden perspectives, and do empathetic goal-driven design to delight customers. It’s important to get feedback from users; not only analyze customer sentiment, their needs and what, but also think ahead of them, and think beyond them. Great designs consider environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, and nature-human harmony.
Great designers ask insightful questions: Who are your potential users, what value do you intend to generate, and what kind of brand effect do you expect to create, etc? Modern society is reaching the phase of people-centricity; different people have different tastes and habits; so elegant design has both art and science ingredients in it to move toward the uplevel of humanity.
Increase contrast: You can increase the contrast between different concepts such as big and small, abstract and specific, bright & dark, hard and soft, simple and complex, frame & frameless, etc, to create holistic effects. People have their cognitive spectrum, favorite patterns, shopping appetites, and aesthetic tastes, so how to create an eye-catching scenery; create impressive phenomena; make things elegant, but not fragile; sustainable but not stale; encourage people to pursue uniqueness, select customized design to demonstrate their personality.
Explore different color combinations: If people who live in the industrial era with information scarcity are more used to “black & white,” choices; then in the hyper-diverse and connected digital era, people prefer multiple options. If each color means the charm of differences, then our beautiful natural world is an amazing design artwork of the universe.
So good design usually has different color & texture themes. For example, if purple usually means spiritual value) and gold usually means economic value. Purple plus gold is a value-added combination of design patterns, you might explore other color palettes to see if there are ones that resonate more with you as value is multidimensional.
We all should generate diverse social values and pursue our own ideas and ideals. Experimenting with cooler themes and warmer tones could also produce great results. The design work with brilliant color patterns perhaps analogizes that a group of people with complementary talent and skills can build a high-performance team to produce excellent value-added results.
Add highlights and shadows: We live in a multidimensional world with a lot of complex circumstances; either doing design work or taking the initiative to solve problems, emphasize important values and details, and also be cautious of potential distractions or pitfalls.
Adding highlights and shadows to the art texture can provide more depth and dimension of designs. This will make it look more sophisticated, eye-catching, and even thought-provoking. But keep in mind: the other important design principle: Simplicity is the key. Do not make things over-complex.
Consider external lighting, just like how critical the outliner leadership means for innovation: How the light interacts with the art can significantly affect its appearance and impact. Experiment with different lighting scenarios to see how they impact the overall aesthetic effect and delightful psychology.
People have a shadow mindset due to their confines of knowledge, negative past experiences, or victim mentality. A great piece of design perhaps cures them by changing their mindset, thinking positively; awakening their inner self, and inspiring them to discover their meaning & purpose, so they are able to interact with nature authentically and become more optimistic human beings.
It takes time to reimagine the future, broaden perspectives, and do empathetic goal-driven design to delight customers. It’s important to get feedback from users; not only analyze customer sentiment, their needs and what, but also think ahead of them, and think beyond them. Great designs consider environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, and nature-human harmony.
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