Monday, April 8, 2024

Quotes of Theano of Croton

These quotes reflect Theano's emphasis on ethical conduct, self-awareness, self-discipline, fulfillment and harmony, which are central themes in Pythagorean philosophy.

Theano of Croton was an ancient Greek philosopher who lived around the 6th century BCE. She was one of the few female philosophers known from ancient Greece and was a prominent figure in the Pythagorean school of thought. One aspect of Theano's philosophy is the concept of harmony and balance. This aligns with the Pythagorean emphasis on harmony in the cosmos. Theano is also believed to have written on moral and ethical topics.

However, it is important to note that much of what is known about Theano comes from later sources, and distinguishing between historical fact and legend can be challenging. One of the most famous sayings attributed to Theano is: "Moderation is the best thing. Nothing too much." This idea of moderation echoes the Pythagorean principle of harmony and balance in all aspects of life, including personal conduct and behavior. Her emphasis on moderation, harmony, and balance continues to be valued in philosophical and ethical discourse. Here is a set of quotes from her based on online resources:

"Do not covet your neighbor's possessions."

"Silence is better than unmeaning words."

"Harmony in all things, both within and without, leads to true happiness."

"Practice self-discipline in all aspects of life, for it is the path to inner peace."

"Seek knowledge with humility, for wisdom is found in the recognition of one's own ignorance."

"The virtues of honesty, integrity, and compassion are the cornerstones of a virtuous life."

"Strive for balance in thought, word, and deed, for imbalance leads to discord."

"Know thyself, for self-awareness is the foundation of wisdom and virtue."

"Live in accordance with nature's laws, for therein lies the path to true fulfillment."

"The pursuit of excellence requires both diligence and patience."

"True beauty emanates from within, cultivated through virtuous thoughts and actions."

"Do not judge others hastily, for only through understanding can true empathy arise."

"Cultivate gratitude for the blessings of life, and you shall find contentment."

These quotes reflect Theano's emphasis on ethical conduct, self-awareness, self-discipline, fulfillment and harmony, which are central themes in Pythagorean philosophy. These quotes also capture the spirit of her philosophical outlook as it is understood within the broader context of Pythagorean thought.


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