Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Inspirational Female Philosopherdiotima’s Love Quotes

 If knowledge is concrete, intelligence is contextual; then wisdom is abstract.

ased on online information, Ms. Diotima of Mantinea is a mysterious figure mentioned in Plato's "Symposium." She is portrayed as a philosopher and teacher who instructs Socrates on the nature of love and the path to wisdom. In her view, “love drives the individual to seek beauty, first earthly beauty, or beautiful bodies. Then as a lover grows in wisdom, the beauty sought is spiritual, or beautiful souls.”

While Diotima's existence outside of Plato's dialogue is uncertain, her ideas have had a lasting impact on Western philosophy, particularly in discussions of love and beauty. Here are a few quotes from Diotima of Mantinea:

"Love is neither wise nor beautiful, but is rather the desire for wisdom and beauty.
"The elements of love include support, trust, truth, and even sacrifice; The essence is to maximize love via the broader vision of compassion and empathy; the wonder of wise and innate human goodness, the universal love reflected the essence of love -the humanity.

"The ladder of love starts with the love of a single beautiful body and ends with the love of Beauty itself." That means love could be transcended from physical to spiritual; individual to conceptual; exclusive to inclusive; and sensible to holistic.

"True love seeks to bring forth beauty in the beloved, to help them become the best version of themselves." That means true love is benevolent, supportive; and influential, instead of selfish, wild, or blind; at the higher level, universal love thresholds the collective power to advance humanity.

We are moving from information scarcity to knowledge abundance, those wise female ancestors set great examples for us to pursue true love and wisdom. If knowledge is concrete, intelligence is contextual; then wisdom is abstract. We need to keep refining our knowledge, and experience, share our fresh insight, and learn from others, from past generations to current and the next generation, reinventing a better society.


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