These idioms reveal to us how to develop ourselves by gaining diverse experiences, learning from different resources, and handling touch situations smoothly.
Due to the increasing speed of changes and abundance of information, if you have a static mind, experience has, most of the time, led towards complacency, and resistance, You miss many growth opportunities, as you just try to protect knowledge through endorsements, rather than getting challenged and exploring new ways to gain new experience. Here are a few idioms that deepen our understanding of life, and how to keep refreshing knowledge and experiences to deal with tough problems effectively.
Tasting a Hundred Herbs: This idiom refers to tasting hundreds of herbs, signifying the experience and knowledge gained from encountering many different ideas and perspectives, leading to a deeper understanding. Knowledge is power. The knowledge development cycle has been shortened due to the changing nature of information technology. Experience is not about doing the same things again and again; it is about always learning new things through it - either it’s success or failure.
Knowledge is more intangible, complex, and dynamic compared to physical assets. So people should take the adventure to learn and grow; and have the courage to try new things. So they become an expert in their domains and generate better ideas. But they are also not confined by their knowledge, but keep unlearning and relearning, gain diverse experience, and develop in-depth understanding of complex issues to overcome challenges.
Drinking from the Wellspring- This idiom refers to drinking from the "wellspring of virtue," signifying gaining knowledge and wisdom from the greatest sources, leading to profundity. We believe the wellspring of virtue is fresh and sweet, nourishing us spiritually; so we can keep the positive emotions flowing, and be value-driven, fair, and objective. To be fair and kind takes self-awareness, inclusiveness, insightful observation, discernment, and tolerance.
Each one of us has our way to gain information and develop expertise. It’s always important to gain true knowledge from the sea of information; and make a clear discernment. It is the responsibility of each individual to examine themselves and make sure they are open to true understanding. A profound mind is like a big ocean, deep and open. It can leverage multiple thinking processes in dealing with varying situations wisely; filter information smoothly and gain fresh insight constantly. So after drinking from wellsprings, people become more value-driven, making influence on building a benevolent society.
Having a tough nut to crack: This idiom describes a difficult problem or challenge. It compares the problem to a tough nut that requires effort and the right tools to crack open. There are so many things going on these days, blurred borders of all kinds, the exponential growth of information, inevitable changes with increasing pace, and disruptive technologies, etc. That means more problems will emerge and problems also become more complex.
Besides hammers, we can apply different methods, tools, or gadgets to crack the nuts and enjoy fruitful results. The logical problem-solving scenario does focus on the ultimate goal, a motivation to explore proposals, and a willingness to explore alternative solutions. When we reach adulthood, we become mature physically; but how about professionally, and spiritually? These idioms reveal to us how to develop ourselves by gaining diverse experiences, learning from different resources, and handling touch situations smoothly. So people can be fully developed to reach professional maturity.
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