Thursday, March 31, 2022


The importance of innovation has increased as the business has the pressure to get more and better innovation.

Innovation becomes simply “creating value by solving simple or complex problems.” With “VUCA” digital new normal, the bulk of information, methodologies, and approaches involved, as the complexity of processes encountered speaks in favor of the scientific approach and engineering practices for innovation management. 

Innovation is both art and science. Theoretical treatment of the innovation discipline may give rise to a science -in a sense, innovation would be a "cross-science” discipline. The nature of how the implementation of the idea has to follow a logical path for the solution, provides a great opportunity for managing digital innovation effectively.

Innovation & cognition: The "mind" represents our consciousness and awareness. Cognition is the mental process of acquiring knowledge through thoughts, experiences, and senses. People are different, not because we look different, but because we think differently. The cognitive gap is one of the serious problems for both problem-solving and innovation as it causes the blind spots for either defining the real problem or solving it smoothly.

To overcome the common challenges and advance the human race, we have to really dig beneath the superficial layer, see around the corner and transcend the interdisciplinary knowledge, to get to the heart of the matter by bridging cognitive gaps and enforcing multidimensional thinking. Thus, it is important to build heterogeneous teams with the cognitive difference, complementary skills, capabilities, background, experience, to broaden the vision, and deepen understanding.

Innovation & brilliance: Innovation is about taking alternative ways to do things. Only a balanced mind can take the tough decision and make better choices. Without the inner balance of energies, one cannot achieve a perfect balance of emotions and logic to generate fresh ideas. Creative leadership does have a component of affiliative intelligence. It's the examples of positivity and brilliance that shine the brightest, rather than those that left people feeling disappointed and wretched, to build a creative working environment in which people can learn and grow, creativity is encouraged, and innovation can be managed successfully.

The convergence of work life and personal life requires professionals today to be consistent in thinking and acting, improving emotional brilliance. Emotions make people move and hence, channelizing them requires intelligence on the part of innovation leadership. Those brilliant leaders and professionals are kind, self-critical, empowering, unbelievably insightful to generate fresh ideas and spark creativity. Seeking profound business insight is no doubt the brilliant way to spur fresh insight, build a high-performance innovative organization.

Innovation & intangible: A business capability defines "What" a business does or can do by encapsulating all organization resources (tangible, intangible or human resources). There are both tangible and intangible components in innovation capability. Besides people, processes, or technologies, communication, leadership, culture, etc, are all intangible ingredients of innovation management. Many companies focus on the tangibles, but they lack an in-depth understanding of the intangible elements in innovation management, just getting them to consider the list of intangibles business elements would be a breakthrough.

In order to move up to the next level of innovation maturity, the culture needs to be changed as well to adapt to the emerging digital trends and pulling strategy execution towards the right decision. Because, the invisible culture is the decisive factor for the success or failure of innovation management. To be the innovator of tomorrow, improve communication effectiveness and innovation leadership maturity, people or businesses have to keep learning, updating their mindsets, knowledge, methodology, and approaches, creating alternative ways of working; mentors and coaching others relentlessly.

The importance of innovation has increased as the business has the pressure to get more and better innovation. Innovation is what leads to differentiation. There are many ways to differentiate and, therefore, there are many ways to pursue innovation. High-innovative organizations can fine-tune innovation management as a differentiated business competency and master innovation in a structural way to achieve high performance business results.


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