Fitting mind is -confident to be different; fitting attitude is -humble to -be learning agile; fitting act is to-be accountable, responsible, scalable, bold and cautious, at the same time…
In the world of -hyper-diversity,
fit or misfit is-
truly contextual;
we are -
all unique individual,
Isn’t each one of us-
‘‘fit or misfit,”
in some way,
or the other,
via different angles,
The world has-
too many stereotypes,
“fit” doesn't mean -
each one of us has -
the same thought process,
the same personalities,
the same preferences,
the same experiences…
Doesn’t our world need-
more rebels, innovators to-
see things differently,
think differently,
do things differently,
rejuvenate fresh energy,
Fitting mind is -
confident to be different;
fitting attitude is -
humble to -
be learning agile;
fitting act is to-
be accountable, responsible, scalable,
bold and cautious,
at the same time;
Isn’t “Fit or misfit”-
Shall we-
be proud of-
who we are,
if only we can keep-
growing, improving,
influencing the world,
The world has-
too many stereotypes,
“fit” doesn't mean -
each one of us has -
the same thought process,
the same personalities,
the same preferences,
the same experiences…
Doesn’t our world need-
more rebels, innovators to-
see things differently,
think differently,
do things differently,
rejuvenate fresh energy,
Fitting mind is -
confident to be different;
fitting attitude is -
humble to -
be learning agile;
fitting act is to-
be accountable, responsible, scalable,
bold and cautious,
at the same time;
Isn’t “Fit or misfit”-
Shall we-
be proud of-
who we are,
if only we can keep-
growing, improving,
influencing the world,
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