Isn’t inflection point-the moment to- be “paranoid”; is it the act of inflecting, or the state of- being inflected? Can we -transcend from -survival to thriving of -our whole civilization, progressively?
Change is-a thorny journey,
full of -
uncertainty, velocity,
complexity, ambiguity,
with curves and bumps,
on the way;
isn’t inflection point -
a time,
in the cycle of change,
when its fundamentals are-
about to change;
a likely signal-
the beginning of the end,
Change can mean -
an opportunity to-
rise to -
new heights,
a risk to -
hit uncertainties,
isn’t inflection-
a bend,
a fold,
a curve,
a turn,
a twist;
to make -
a leapfrog,
When the way-
changes become-
more radical;
disruptions allow for -
fresh energy to flow,
bring with -
it something,
would not be -
born without it;
create new opportunities for -
stretch out -
in every dimension for -
isn’t inflection point-
the moment to-
be “paranoid”;
is it the act of inflecting,
or the state of-
being inflected?
Can we -
transcend from -
survival to thriving of -
our whole civilization,
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