Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Popular Innovation Quotes Collection II of “Digital Master” Book Series

“Digital Master” is the series of guidebooks (19+ books) is to perceive the multifaceted impact digital is making to the business and our society, help forward-thinking organizations navigate through the digital journey in a systematic way, and avoid “rogue digital.” Here is the set of popular quotes for conveying the digital vision and sharing the unique insight about the digital transformation. Unpuzzling Innovation: Mastering Innovation Management...

Setting Digital Principles to Guide Through Digital Transformation

The digital credos are the top principles to guide through changes and digital transformation in the organization. Credo is a Latin word that means "a set of fundamental beliefs or a guiding principle." For a company, a credo is a set of well-defined principles based on its management philosophy. Principles are general rules and guidelines, intended to be enduring and seldom amended. Philosophy is the history of ideas and an ongoing inquiry into...

Five Critical Components in IT Innovation Management Playbook

There are quite a lot of components in IT innovation management playbook, and importantly IT has to walk to talk. Technology is pervasive and the information is abundant, business initiatives and digital transformation today nearly always involve some form of technology implementation or information processing. IT plays a significant role in managing information-knowledge-insight cycle and fostering innovation by leveraging disruptive technologies...

Friday, September 29, 2017

The Monthly “Digital Gaps” Book Tuning: How to Bridge Innovation Gaps Sep. 2017

Innovation gap differentiation helps delineate the problems and opportunities for innovation. “Digital Gaps -Bridging Multiple Gaps to Run Cohesive Business” is a guidebook to help digital leaders and professionals today identify, analyze, and mind multiple gaps with multidisciplinary insight and holistic understanding. Today’s digital organization simply just can’t stand still., bridging the 'gap of opportunity' between where you are and want...

Brainstorm to stimulate Digital Mining

Brainstorming to stimulate digital mining is an important step to leverage information and collective wisdom to envision the future of business. Many say digital opens the new chapter of innovation because digital technologies and social platforms provide unprecedented opportunities and convenience for people to brainstorm and collaborate. Brainstorming is a creativity technique by which a group of people can come up with multiple solutions to...

CIOs as "Chief Influence Officer": Three Views to Enforce CIO Leadership Influence

CIOs are in the unique position to oversee the business from different angles, and they can have the multitude of business views to lead changes and enforce leadership influence. With overwhelming growth of information and fierce competition,  now we are approaching the inflection point in which businesses are facing accelerating changes and can be disrupted even overnight. The digital CIO is no longer the tedious management role to keep...

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