Monday, September 25, 2017

Three “B” Factors in Innovators

Let creativity flow and build your creative muscle via continuous practices.

Being innovative is a state of openness where you set aside what you think you know. You keep being curious with a beginner’s mind, you step out of your logical thinking minds to create something new; or more often, you blend different types of thinking processes to see things differently. There are many traits to be an innovator, here are three “B” elements for being innovative.

Brightness: “Being bright” is the view looking for the best, coming with a positive mentality, your behavior, the way you showcase your attitude and mood others to put on their thinking cap. We are all part of social systems with both individual and collective mindsets. Innovation is doing something better than it currently is. It's a mindset. Being innovative is about figuring out better ways to do things or solving old or emergent problems creatively, to brightening your environment. So, being bright is simply not just about “Look bright,” but think the bright side and come up with more bright ideas. The bright people with the positive and growth mindset can brighten the surroundings, be the innovator and change agent to overcome the shadows in people’s minds, build the culture of learning and innovation. When the color of your aura shows bright colors, it often reflects the positive mentality, unique personality, innate strength, fresh viewpoints, and influential leadership traits. The bright mind with optimistic thinking can overcome shadows, break down silo thinking and conventional wisdom, and bring new perspectives to spark fresh ideas and transform inward focus creativity into outward driven innovation. The long-lasting brightness needs to be charged with knowledge, innovation, intelligence, and wisdom.

Belief: Being innovative takes courage to step out of the comfort zone and step into uncertainty and discover the path perhaps nobody ever takes before or creating new ideas others think nonsense. Thus, it is important to hold a strong belief, believe in self, in change, in direction, in innovation, and in the desired outcomes. With belief, you have the grit mindset which is a critical trait as an innovator. An innovative mind holding strong belief has the raw endurance, passion, and perseverance that keep you motivated despite obstacles, with single-mindedness to stay focus and resilience to fail forward. Too often, people operate on autopilot, with their thoughts, emotions, and decisions coming from a subconscious level. While most beliefs are learned and ingrained in our minds at a very young age. Some of these beliefs develop from our misinterpretation of what we see, hear and experience. Unfortunately, these learned beliefs are oftentimes limiting our mind, and lock our creativity. Therefore, people should take the time to listen to your inner voice, and create some space for realigning what is important to you? What do you value? What is your purpose in life? Still, the strong belief in yourself and being innovative is a state of mind which can be developed via continuous learning and practices.

Balance: Creativity is like the fountain flow out of you. The deeper you dig, the more ideas come out. As the ability to work and produce, creativity then requires a certain degree of independence and mental balance, the proper psychological level of inner security and genuine autonomy. Creativity is perhaps the mental balance of conscious thinking and subconscious thinking, the logic, and intuition. Imagine yourself rise above the thinking continuum, and look down upon the balance between the in-box thinking and out-of-the-box thinking. What you've just done is to raise your consciousness of the balance, and that, in and of itself, makes a world of difference, to shape a valuable innovator. To become creative, one would have to break down some old rules. After breaking the outdated rules, you are "outside the box." In practice, you need to build some updated rules or shape a bigger box for framing your thinking and stay focus, and make innovation a fair game to invite all great talent in. The innovation challenges the status quo and that is important in a healthy, innovative organization. Rules are about safeguarding the status quo. Consequently, too rigid rules, will stifle creativity and thus innovation. However, being "unruly" incurs risk. Thus, you need to set the updated principles for managing the innovation and mitigating the risks. From innovation management perspective, the limited hierarchy works best in a creative environment where the free flow of ideas and their prompt implementation is a key element of success. The high mature digital organizations that can strike the delicate balance between solid and flow have a flexible structure, with the attributes such as “full open communication,” “integration,” “ownership,” “digital readiness,” “self-adaptation,” and "resilience," can reach the zenith of success in innovation management.

Let creativity flow and build your creative muscle via continuous practices. The creativity naturally presents in a few people, for some it needs to be nurtured more! Just release yourself, appreciate your surroundings with an awe, the creativity will come out....simple but tough.


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