Friday, September 22, 2017

Three “W” Factors in Innovators

Creativity is infused with an inner cohesiveness and comes from a vision of uniqueness.

Creativity is everything that people dream, see, feel, touch. All our experiences are completely reconfigured in a way that mixes up all of the important elements to spark creativity. Creativity is as much defined by the problem as by the capacity of the individual to connect things to resolve that problem in new and sometimes unexpected ways. Here are three “W” factors in innovations.

WHY: Creativity needs a problem. It is the key to present the WHY first. “Why things are the way they are” does challenge the assumptions and the “old way doing things,” it’s the good start pointing to see beyond the surface and identify the root causes of the problem. Innovation is never for its sake, innovation is coming up with something of value by applying it to a product or process, to either delight customers or engage employees. As humans, we have a natural curiosity to ask the big WHYs. The “why” factor provides a way to inject enthusiasm, which is infectious and spurs creativity forward. It also helps to streamline the pre-planning stage of innovation scenario. Are the innovations you are trying to promote actually relevant to the business now, or in the future, or at all? People's knowledge of ourselves and the world increases over time through a process of change and co-creative, an evolutionary adaptation to change. The big WHY about innovation helps to clarify the noble business purpose behind innovation initiatives, understand the context, and capture the insight for human progress.

Wholeness: Innovation leads us to understand the wholeness. The interaction between what is within us (the self), and how we project to the exterior world is the bridge to achieving wholeness. Since innovation, the practical application of creativity is essentially about problem-solving at various levels, and to solve a problem implies a wish to make something, or everything, perfect. That, in itself, seems to lead to a wish for understanding the wholeness. Creativity to some extent is the nature of seeing the patterns that already exist, and then being able to predict how they change, and sometimes manipulate them in a direction that fits our needs or that of our objective. Creative thinking, critical thinking, and systems thinking are often go hand in hand. Because critical thinking help us figure out why creativity is necessary to come out better ideas for doing things, and systems thinking helps us connect wider dots and understand patterns for fueling creativity. All these thought processes are  all interlinked attributes we bring to our respective crafts in varying degrees depending on our mental models, perspectives, distinctions, etc, but how these thought processes manifest themselves in each of us is unique, and then such interlinks often fuels new thoughts, perspectives, creativity and the imagination to spark into the fountain of new ideas and keep creativity flow.

Wisdom: Creativity has many dimensions, with multifaceted truth and myth, manifold knowledge and incredible imagination. Creativity is applied in many spheres of human activity. An essential aspect of creativity is the ability to challenge assumptions, beliefs, conclusions, and to be able to contemplate multiple, even conflicting views of situations and come out fresh perspectives, new ideas and shape creative wisdom. Creativity happens in both unconscious and conscious level. Creativity is a flow, an abstract, and an imagination. Creativity is infused with an inner cohesiveness and comes from a vision of uniqueness. Intelligence is knowledge. Wisdom is understanding. Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Wisdom leads to putting more thought into things and searching for truth and that widens the possibility of coming up with alternative solutions- the creativity spurs. Creativity is a complex, multidimensional thought process, a high level of thinking. And creative wisdom can bridge the old with new and mind the gap in the digital paradigm shift.

Creativity isn't far off, it's usually right under your noses, start with the big WHY, you need to master the variety of thinking capabilities, and clarify thought process so that creativity can give their best. When you are courageous enough to follow the gut and curious enough to understand the surroundings, you learn how to liberate the imagination, unlock creative wisdom, understand the whole, and come up with a new approach to the world.


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