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The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Inspiration via Knowledge & Understanding

You can learn from different channels, and transcend information to knowledge to insight and ultimate wisdom for professional maturity.In the fast-paced digital society with abundant knowledge, learning is a constant process. The professional workforce today needs to become self-driven, demonstrate the attitude to keep learning; learn fast and smart. How effective professional learning is depends on the information it absorbs, the insight being abstracted,...

Insight of Critical Thinking Worldwide

Critical Thinking is not just about overwhelming thinking chaos but about cohesive understanding and skillful reasoning. People, organizations, and human society are complex, the essence of critical thinking is careful deliberation, examination, and testing of assumptions, and consideration of opposing views. Critical thinking is the logical reasoning skills to figure out issues underneath the surface, also be open-minded to considering alternative...

Insight of Sustainability

Understanding different levels of sustainability helps us develop comprehensive solutions to ensure a healthy planet and an advanced society for generations to come.Sustainability is a complex concept with various theoretical approaches. The philosophy of sustainability goes beyond just the practicalities of maintaining our environment. It delves into the ethical and moral questions surrounding how we interact with the planet and each other. Sustainability...

Anthropology from Eastern & Western Perspective

Though we appreciate diverse thoughts, it’s also the time to unify Eastern and Western viewpoints and co-develop a modern world.The world has become much more complex and smaller all at once, thinking through anthropological dimension questions one’s assumptions, and opens one’s eyes to a spectrum of things with so many different shades and colors of the same world; Here's a glimpse into how Eastern and Western societies have historically approached...

Philosophy of feizihan

By incorporating the different aspects of Feizi Han's Legalism theories, we highlight the potential benefits of a societal system based on clear laws, impartiality, and a focus on results.Feizi Han, was a key figure in the Ancient oriental Legalist school. Unlike many Eastern and Western philosophy who believed in inherent human goodness, Han Feizi saw people as inherently selfish and easily manipulated by self-interest.Law and Order: Han Feizi...

Zhuangzi Philosophy & Parable

In the modern world, we need to carry on those Ancestors’ heritage, understand their limitations, and use both hard and soft science to solve problems structurally.Zhuangzi, an oriental philosopher who lived around the 4th century BCE, is a central figure in Daoism, a school of thought that emphasizes living in harmony with the natural world. Here are some key points of him, his female and male associates' philosophy in Ancient times.Following Nature:...

Philippa Foot’s Philosophy

As the world becomes more hyperconnected and interdependent; if we can define a common set of values in the global society, that makes moral judgments more objective worldwidely.Philippa Foot was a British moral philosopher, being known for her work on nature goodness, and objectivity in moral judgments. She criticized theories that saw moral statements as mere expressions of feeling rather than objective truths. Philippa Foot's work was highly...

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Influence via Versatility

Professional capability and core competency development require character, determination, discipline, dedication, and practice in the present and a continuum.In modern society, many industries and professions face difficulty in reinventing themselves. Organizations become more complex, and running a business is also more challenging, with heavy workloads, multifaceted tasks, and fierce competition. Professional capability is crucial for people to...

Insight of Presentation and Exhibition in Taipei II

People come and go; good exhibitions leave us with good memories to digest, ignite our passion to grow, and provoke our thoughts to keep reinventing our modern society.There were quite a few professional exhibitions in Taipei this month. They were diverse and educational, providing information for people in different industries to learn and participate; they also became the catalyst to share knowledge, boost energy, ignite professional passion, and...

Laws in Laozi Philosophy Revealed in a Brief Story

 By applying Lao’s philosophy, wise ones carved out a niche in the ever-changing market. They won’t fight the current, but become the stream to grow customers by understanding them better, and providing more value-added solutions.Laozi and their associate, the revered philosopher and author of the Tao Te Ching, placed central importance on nature and its inherent laws in their philosophy. Those principles are critical to striking the right balance...

Descartes’ Quotes & Lessons Learned

We learn from those male and female ancestors and use their theories to doubt, and enhance understanding.René Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist in Ancient times. He & associate is famous for the skeptical method of doubt, which he used to question everything he thought he knew to find a foundation for certain knowledge. Descartes' most famous statement is "Cogito, ergo sum" ("I think, therefore I am").René Descartes...

Value-Added Seven-Eleven Stores in Taiwan

 Those people-centric convenience stores provide a small window for people to understand local culture, food, and people, allowing them to take a break, and focus on their goals. Seven Eleven is a brand named convenience chain stores across continents. Most 7-11 stores are open for people to buy some daily items for their convenience. But Taiwan Seven Elevens are much more customized and thoughtful. They are located in tourist hot spots, museums...

Libraries in Taiwan

Modern libraries have centuries of history and are established across modern societies all over the world.In large metropolitan areas libraries are nice places for people to explore different knowledge disciplines and enjoy being modern human beings. Compared to other urban cities on other continents. Taiwan has fewer libraries. I visited the National Central Library and Beitou Library in Taipei On one side of the Zhongshan S Road, we can pass...

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


The digital paradigm that is emerging is the sociological organization which is holistic, vibrant, energetic, fluid, creative, and resilient with a hybridity of knowledge, processes, workforce, and competencies.The organization consists of an amalgam of bio-systems, socio-systems, techno-systems, and econo-systems. Understanding that real-world development is multifaceted. Organizations that are skilled at managing people complexity, organizational...


A contemporary organization's success is, in large part, driven by how wisely it takes risks and how effectively it manages the risks.Enterprise-wide risk management intends to manage enterprise risk systematically and effectively. Assessing and managing risk effectively is an important step in improving organizational maturity and achieving high-performance results. In reality, most organizations are not perfect but they are inching their way to...


Profundity is important to connect the mind, close gaps, and unify the difference. With the increasing pace of changes and hypercomplexity, today’s organizational leaders and professionals need to increase their cognitive agility, cultivate a discerning mind, explore alternative viewpoints, and enforce cross-disciplinary reasoning. It’s always important to demonstrate authenticity by thinking, speaking, and doing things that are aligned with your...

Fable to Reveal Aristotle’s Thoughts and Unleash Human + AI Potential

The potential of AI for good depended on the purpose we gave it, the "telos" we designed it to fulfill.Aristotle (384–322 BCE) was a student of Plato and is considered one of the most influential thinkers in Western history. He and his associates - both female and male thinkers in their time wrote on a wide range of topics, including logic, metaphysics, ethics, politics, physics, and biology. How can professionals in contemporary societies apply...

Philosophy of Mozi & Associates

Mozi’s ideas on universal love, non-violence, and meritocracy had a lasting influence on Chinese thought and societal revolution.Mozi, was a philosopher who lived in the 5th century BCE China. His contemporaries, both female and male thinkers offered a unique perspective on how to promote peace and cooperation by encouraging people to consider the well-being of all; and how to manage a civic society by promoting the worthy based on merit and ability,...

Monday, March 25, 2024


Responsibility is everyone’s business: Be responsible for what you say, decide, and do and set the right goals to generate value for not only ourselves but also our global societies.As uncertainties are a common occurrence in any walk of our progress, the business leaders and their teams cannot afford to be unprepared for the challenging task of facing the “VUCA” digital realit. Business transformations are generally associated with high-cost initiatives...


Liberty is- not just a slogan; freedom is - neither about free falls nor undisciplined addictions; it’s the way to -listen to -your inner calling, follow your passion, and live an authentic life, coherently.Wander around in -Zhongshan roads;stand in front of -square of liberty;ponder around -the global standard of-common value,capture ancestors’ collective philosophy.The ivy-white arch gatesare grand enough allow a crowd of diversity to pass through;the...

A Fable to Learn Laotzu "Effortless" Philosophy

The philosophy teaches us to become less meticulous, and more insightful through effortless understanding, discovering the rule of nature, inherited the spirit of Mother Nature.Lao Tzu and his philosophy about following nature's patterns & rules, rather than using forte forcing to solve problems had gained respect by both the Eastern and Western societies. Regardless of the verified historicity, Lao Tzu is revered as the founder of Taoism, a...


Ideals emerge, or fade away; ideals expand, or shrink; ideals converge, or diverge; ideals got isolated, misunderstood, distorted, can we clarify them, spark the right focus, on reimagining, refining, resonating, blending in, mixing up, tearing down the outdated commonality, reinvent the ideal world, ultimately.The ideal is the threshold,stringing up our visions, hopes, personal goals; shaped by -past experience, personal history, cultural...

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