Break down silo, challenge conventional wisdom, think creatively and act boldly.
Digital organizations are inherently complicated, the highly intensive changes do not happen in isolation from each other in predictable ways. The broader the scope, scale, and impact of the change, the more we lean towards calling such change breakthrough changes.
Inflection is a breakthrough as organizations can stretch out in every dimension for driving radical change: It could stretch out in all essential dimensions toward the new world of organizational maturity. There are incremental change and transformative change. Inflection is the breakthrough point. the most significant difference between the two is that the tools and capabilities that work reasonably well for incremental improvement perhaps have little success in transformational efforts. To enhance scalability and expand capacity, it’s important to work on a fairly comprehensive model that views incremental change and transformation as different points along a continuum with very different tools and competencies needed along the way for driving smooth transformation.
Breakthrough Innovation is disruptive and will change your organization in many fields: Innovation is the most needed changes. You need fresh information, new technologies, new processes, new customers, new knowledge, maybe a new business model. Breakthrough Innovation is a radical new approach that leaves competitions behind in some way. It's out of the box thinking where incremental innovation is still inside the box thinking. Breakthrough Innovation is Revolution (Something new that disrupts or replaces something else). It could be high risk but with better change to make breakthrough accomplishment.
Redical improvement: The radical change from one era to another is often called paradigm shift. The digital paradigm has many dimensions , interacting and mutually influencing each other sociologically, technologically, philosophical, psychological, etc. Which change it should focus on, incremental improvement or breakthrough, culture evolution or eco-system revolution. The real challenge is to understand where and how you can and should improve to get the biggest effect and scale-up across the digital ecosystem model via objective assessment and effective management. Sometimes,transformative change is acted on the basis of improving one part of an organization at the expense of other parts of the organization because managers still practices silo management discipline. Radical change often needs to restructure the root of the company such as organizational purpose, values, beliefs, culture, and objectives, in order to drive radical improvement.
The biggest challenge with any large-scale transformation program is to ensure that the senior leaders truly understand the time and impact on the organization, and they have courage and discipline to do the right things; they are able to empower people to break down silo, challenge conventional wisdom, think creatively and act boldly. Failure is part of reality, but try not to repeat the same mistakes, learn from it and drive transformative changes smoothly.
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