Ideals emerge, or fade away; ideals expand, or shrink; ideals converge, or diverge; ideals got isolated, misunderstood, distorted, can we clarify them, spark the right focus, on reimagining, refining, resonating, blending in, mixing up, tearing down the outdated commonality, reinvent the ideal world, ultimately.
The ideal is the threshold,stringing up our visions, hopes,
personal goals;
shaped by -
past experience, personal history,
cultural heritage; individual taste;
the ideal path has less friction,
more passion to-
thrive on the journey being called life
Ideal friendship is more supportive, honest,
understand each other, empathetically;
ideal society has-
more freedom, less chaos, to-
generate common value, harmoniously;
allow us to -
become fulfilling human beings.
the ideal path has less friction,
more passion to-
thrive on the journey being called life
Ideal friendship is more supportive, honest,
understand each other, empathetically;
ideal society has-
more freedom, less chaos, to-
generate common value, harmoniously;
allow us to -
become fulfilling human beings.
Ideals could be -
happiness, love, achievement,
ideas focus on purpose, justice,
make differences.
The world is diversified with -
vast ideals,
a broad spectrum of beliefs;
some pursue individualism;
others advocate collectivism;
ideals could be -
as grand as an ecosystem;
small as -
a moment of freshness.
Ideals are like -
the remote mountain peaks,
either far away, or approachable,
should you pursue them, persistently;
Would ideals be like the mirage-
the shadow of plants,
reflected on the water;
not so real anyway?
Ideals emerge, or fade away;
Ideals expand, or shrink;
Ideals converge, or diverge;
Ideals got isolated, misunderstood, distorted,
can we clarify them,
spark the right focus on,
reimagining, refining, resonating,
blend in, mix up,
tear down the outdated commonality,
reinvent the ideal world,
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