It’s almost important to break down conventional wisdom and develop creativity, improve learning skills, and amplify influential voices on fixing the right problems, creating better societal values, and leading transformative changes.
The organization has increasingly become more complicated in the global scope and complex in process and structure. There are always different complexities at a different time, locations or other dimensions, business intelligence is an effective tool to improve business value creation.
Accelerate civil societal evolution by improving judgmental intelligence: We live in a complex business environment with a high degree of unpredictability and ambiguity. To improve judgmental intelligence, the biggest challenge is knowing what you don't know. Information-based intelligence cannot replace human intelligence, but it helps people collect more quality information, and analyze available information to a certain degree, for minding gaps, and closing decision blind spots. The convergence of machine learning, artificial intelligence, analytics, statistics & decision science makes a direct impact on building a smart business. Information is the power to run an intelligent society. By applying business intelligence in every aspect of modern society, people and organizations can facilitate and orchestrate the multitude of differences in the global context, connect interdisciplinary dots, and accelerate civil societal evolution via both sympathy and empathy.
Optimize customer experience via deep information analysis: Customer Experience is an aggregate of all the different strategies around product differentiation, pricing differentiation, channel, and any other activities that are intended to give the customer a unique experience. Business intelligence impacts almost every aspect of how to improve customer experience, from products/services option algorithm, pricing techniques, and sentimental analysis, to customer service automation, new products/service development, adjacent marketing expansion, etc. Many companies are inside-out, and operationally driven, and unsatisfied customers cause problems related to reputation, credibility, and brand name. An enterprise would do well if it could manage data seamlessly to generate fresh insight and create further value for customers as business analysis helps to understand their needs & wants, improve user adoption rate, and optimize customer experiences.
Improve risk intelligence and enhance governance disciplines via information management integration: Information was growing overwhelmingly; which might cause sudden disruptions, directing interfering business operations. Organizations large or small are in the face of risks at any moment as change increases its speed, What are potential risks and opportunities, can we prepare for those emerging changes timely to achieve expected results? The efforts to manage risk holistically in a more integrated fashion are critical for the long run, Successful thinking about risk and effective managing information leads to survival by mitigating risks, and then the accumulation of enough resources to thrive by capturing opportunities in it to improve risk intelligence.
Running a smart society is a journey, in which each professional or organization should learn continually, and apply the right tools such as AI to improve productivity and innovation. It’s almost important to break down conventional wisdom and develop creativity, improve learning skills, and amplify influential voices on fixing the right problems, creating better societal values, and leading transformative changes.
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