Saturday, July 22, 2023


We all have -our own inner world, social circle; are we confident enough, to- lay aside ourselves, believe- we would not get lost in -what could turn out to-be the bizarre land of others; return to- our own world, quickly..

very person has-

the ability to be creative,

set aside-

time daily, weekly, monthly,

take a step back to-

observe, reflect,

apply intellectual curiosity to-

make inquiries,

flesh your “creativity” muscles,


Being innovative is-

a state of openness,

in which-

you set aside-

what you think -

you know.

set time aside to -

ponder about -

issues on hand,

allow a fresh idea, to incubate, inspirationally.

Open your mind -

listen carefully,

put aside all trained thoughts,

let the open possibility come to -

connect naturally;

put aside-

your stereotypes,

observe deep,

what you see depends -

very much on-

what you are familiar with,

on the parade.

put aside your experience to -

learn fresh knowledge,

what you learn from-

the past depends on -

how open your mind is,

how effortless it would be..

We all have -

our own inner world,

social circle;

are we confident enough, to-

lay aside ourselves, believe-

we would not get lost in -

what could turn out to-

be the bizarre land of others;

return to-

our own world, quickly;

But, we are still,

open-minded enough to-

step outside of -

the comfort zone,

keep learning agile,

be inclusive,

see things differently,

share something new?


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