Sunday, July 9, 2023


Surviving and thriving upon exponential growth of information, fierce competitions, and continuous disruptions requires interdisciplinary understanding and practices.

Change is increasing its speed; when a new stage emerges in the progression of society, the continued use of the old paradigm, the old-world-view-lens, the narrow-mindsets create ever-increasing problems. A new paradigm arises out of fresh insight and societal interdependence. The deep problem that reveals is to understand what are the evolutionary pathways to enforce progressive changes and value generation. Interdisciplinary practices help the business professionals to not only work in the box but also across the knowledge boxes, in order to approach problems via the multifaceted lens and solve them holistically.

All sciences are not only compatible, but in many ways, they need one another to continue to advance: Science allows us to gain an in-depth understanding of the world. What defines science from chance is the ability to apply known facts, repeat a process with the same resultant solution every time. Science is about design, construction, and operations, based on the principles of logic and the patterns of nature. The 'hard' sciences claim objectivity by way of structured methods and empirical data sets. It’s the ability to produce solutions in a problem domain repeatedly

Science claims to be based on both inductive and deductive reasoning; theory and practice. Interdisciplinary science can be applied to management which involves applied both hard science (engineering, neurology, biology, etc.) and soft science (psychology, sociology, communication, philosophy etc.) to deal with complex issues structurally and advance human society consistently.

Our society should not only encourage information based analysis, but also be humble, desire fresh insight, squash arrogance: An open information platform blurs functional, geographical, or industrial borders, enables people across the world to learn from each other, co-solve problems. It is “open” not only because it allows information exchange, idea flow, and participant involvement but also because it helps to manage change in a structural way.

Analytics can give you the best answer to the right question. But it takes wisdom to frame the right questions worth exploring. Under uncertainty, you can use more advanced analytics and visualization tools to render things more accessible, but the underlying logic will never go away. So go broader and deeper than doing analysis only, insight is the intersection of analytic thinking and synthetic thinking; linear logic and non-linear understanding, it helps to deepen the understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context; make forward-looking projections or scenarios with higher degree of accuracy.

Not only does wisdom have dimensions, but also it has “gravity”: You can only know what you know, but there are more dimensions which you don’t know; as there’s known unknown and unknown unknown. Wisdom includes whatever knowledge we've acquired to this point in our lives and it incorporates experience, reflection, and questioning. Point out that inquiries are not only support related, but can also foster better ways to solve problems.

Wisdom comes from making mistakes and learning from them; so knowledge comes before wisdom and wisdom uses knowledge. Wisdom must undergo a conversion to knowledge before it can be properly managed. So nowadays, being open-minded and having fresh eyes enable people to keep learning agile, question a lot, and cultivate multidimensional wisdom. People are encouraged to look for an experience of truth, the unfolding of wisdom by those who have gone beyond traditional thinking and conventional understanding.

The emerging digital era has many dimensions, it’s critical to gain a deep understanding and embark on a meaningful journey of global progress. Surviving and thriving upon exponential growth of information, fierce competitions, and continuous disruptions requires interdisciplinary understanding, structural flexibility, inter-relational process, and effective risk management to deal with frictions and handle conflicts, for advancing human society harmoniously.



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