First and foremost a CIO needs to show that IT isn't just a cost center but is a deliverer of value.
Due to the changing nature of technology, IT leadership role also continues to involve & shift the focus, to move up the maturity level. More and more CIOs are requested to take more responsibility and many CIOs present the breadth of leadership competency to master the principles and practices of Digital Transformation. Here are five big “HOW"s in IT digital transformation.

Five Big “HOW”s in IT Digital Transformation
- How to Run an Innovative IT: Modern IT continues to move up its maturity from a reactive helpdesk, back-office function into a proactive business partner and innovation engine. What are the tips and stories to create a culture of innovation? What are the innovation implications when IT leverages the Cloud model? How shall IT assess their partners for delivering innovative business solutions, should the business pay IT for being innovative thereby enabling business proactively?
- How to Run IT as a Better Business Partner? Many IT organizations are at transformation journey, from an industrial model to digital leap; from a cost center to value-added; from 'T'-technology driven to 'I'-Information focus, from alignment to engagement. But more specifically, how shall IT leaders run IT as a better business partner?
- How to Transform IT from Cost Center into Value Creator? In most cases, the IT department isn't producing anything that is saleable and, therefore, many in the organization will view IT as something that seems to ceaselessly suck up money with the little-perceived return. First and foremost a CIO needs to show that IT isn't just a cost center but is a deliverer of value, what’re the effective approaches in doing so?
- How to Improve IT Management Capabilities? IT Management is a strange animal, in that the capabilities are there, the data is there - but the motivations are often confused. IT tends to measure itself against trivial things IT considers important but are often less important and impactful in the business lens. When IT does not reach a higher level of customer satisfaction, is it due to lack of IT capabilities, lack of IT management capabilities; or low maturity management of IT overall?
- How can IT Enable Business Growth? More and more IT organizations are transforming from back end internal support function into front office revenue generators, during the journey, CIOs must know how to answer the question such as: How do we get revenues now? How will we do in the future? How should IT help the company win business? And how can IT contribute to customer acquisition and retention?

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