To unleash the digital potential of IT, organizations need to understand that IT is not just technical or scientific, but also artistic and delightful.
The purpose of new book “IT innovation - Reinvent IT for the Digital Age” is to help businesses and IT leaders and digital professionals ride above the learning curve, reinvent IT as an innovation hub and game changer; reimagine IT as an innovation outlier; renovate a hybrid IT and digital organization; fine-tune IT as the digital whole brain of the organization; accelerate IT on the fast lane, rebuild IT as the business capability multiplier; empower IT as a digital change agent; and leverage the “alphabetic elements” to run a highly innovative IT organization for the digital age. Here is a set of quotes in the book of "IT Innovation":

59 Change becomes a dynamic business capability in which IT is the key enabler.
60 Digital is about changes with increasing velocity and speed.
61 Contemplation, preparation, strategic planning, process, action, maintenance, and measurement are the logical steps in building change capabilities.
62 The role of IT today for many organizations is solutionary for information management, operation automation, and digital orchestration.
63 IT maturity enables business maturity and IT maturity is based on overall business maturity as well.
64 The ultimate goal to build up agile enterprises is to achieve business changeability, strategic responsiveness, and organizational flexibility.
65 Though technology is often complex in nature, IT needs to be a business simplifier and optimizer to improve organizational agility.
66 If you make change part of your routine and ongoing business capability, then change becomes easier to deal with.
67 The three sides of the coin in the organization are business, IT, as well as the interaction and integration of IT and business.
68 A digital-ready IT organization is a threshold competency of the business.
69 To become a value added and drive digital transformation, IT needs to be acutely in tune with the business.
70 Dynamic really means a lot for IT organizations such as speed, agility, innovation, flexibility, or information-savvy.
71 Digital equilibrium starts with the peace of mind; it’s achieved via cross-functional communication and collaboration.
72 Digital equilibrium is achieved via the harmony of strategy, structure, and business performance.

74 The purpose to run IT with digital fluency is to mind the gap between business and IT.
75 Digital fit IT means being hyperconnected with less wire and hyper-competitive with better capabilities.
76 Digital premium means a lot, such as business effectiveness, agility, innovation, intelligence, and people-centricity.
77 IT is being used more and more around the globe for revenue generating initiatives and business is becoming IT.
78 IT is the catalyzer of digital innovation and multiplier of the digital capability.
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"IT Innovation" Barner & Noble Order Link
"IT Innovation" iBook Order Link
"IT Innovation" Book Introduction
"IT Innovation" Book Presentation Slideshare
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 1 Introduction -Reinvent IT as an Innovation Hub
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 2 Introduction - Reimagine IT as an Innovative Outlier
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 3 Introduction - Renovate Hybrid IT and a Digital Organization
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 4 Introduction - Fine Tune IT as the "Digital Whole Brain" of the Organization
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 5 Introduction - Accelerate IT at the Fast Lane
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 6 Introduction - Rebuild IT as Digital Capability Multiplier
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 7 Introduction - Empower IT as Digital Change Agent
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 8 Introduction -Run a Highly Innovative Digital Ready IT Organization
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 9 - The Alphabetic Elements in Digital Innovation and IT Maturity
"IT Innovation" Book Conclusion - The Art of Possible - From Transactional IT to Transformational IT
"IT Innovation" Book Quote Collection I
"IT Innovation" Book Quote Collection II
"IT Innovation" Book Quote Collection III
"IT Innovation" Book Presentation Slideshare
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 1 Introduction -Reinvent IT as an Innovation Hub
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 2 Introduction - Reimagine IT as an Innovative Outlier
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 3 Introduction - Renovate Hybrid IT and a Digital Organization
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 4 Introduction - Fine Tune IT as the "Digital Whole Brain" of the Organization
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 5 Introduction - Accelerate IT at the Fast Lane
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 6 Introduction - Rebuild IT as Digital Capability Multiplier
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 7 Introduction - Empower IT as Digital Change Agent
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 8 Introduction -Run a Highly Innovative Digital Ready IT Organization
"IT Innovation" Book Chapter 9 - The Alphabetic Elements in Digital Innovation and IT Maturity
"IT Innovation" Book Conclusion - The Art of Possible - From Transactional IT to Transformational IT
"IT Innovation" Book Quote Collection I
"IT Innovation" Book Quote Collection II
"IT Innovation" Book Quote Collection III
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