Digital provides significant opportunities for business growth, also brings unprecedented risks to cause business fall.
Due to the changing nature of technology, IT leadership role also continues to involve & shift the focus, to move up the maturity level. Digital CIOs are requested to take more responsibility and many CIOs present the breadth of leadership competency to identify blind spots and pinpoint pain point for managing changes. Here are Five big “WHERE’s” in IT digital transformation.
Five Big “Where”s in IT Digital Transformation
- Where are the CIO’s Real Challenges in Digital Transformation? Digital provides significant opportunities for business growth, also brings unprecedented risks to cause business fall. Never before has IT and business been so closely tied together. Never before has technology moved more quickly and missteps have larger trajectory impacts on every aspect of the business.
- Where Should You Focus on Driving Change and Leaping Digital Transformation in a Systematic Way? Organizations large or small are on their digital transformation journey, although there is no one size fits all solution to ensure the change success, where is the focal point, what’re the principles or logic steps they need to follow for managing such transformation in a more systematic way?
- Where do CIOs Come From? Compare to the other executive positions, the CIO position has a shorter history, but a more dynamic role to play due to the continuous changes of information & technology. Although the “DNA of CIO” is still a bit stereotypical from the variety of industry surveys, the digital trend is that more and more CIOs have diversified experience and colorful background, working across functional and industrial boundaries, from technologist to artist; from entrepreneur to consultant, from business strategist to talent manager, where do CIOs come from and what makes a great CIO?
- Where are the Focal Point to Brand IT Effectively? Most of IT organizations today are still being portrayed as the back-office cost center. To re-in-imagine IT, IT branding needs to be part of IT transformation effort, and IT branding strategy should be an integral part of IT strategy. Your brand identity will be the face you put on your IT organization and it flows from your brand strategy. IT brand identity should be supported by the message you create and distribute to your customers. After you have your IT brand strategy and your IT brand identity in place, your can actually market the IT brand inside the enterprise?
- Where are the Barriers and How to Run A Frictionless IT? Due to the change and complex nature of technology and overloading information, the majority of IT organizations today still run at the lower level of maturity, they have been perceived as a silo function and support center, a controller only, or even the bottleneck to slow the business speed. So how can IT leaders reimagine IT, reinvent IT brand, overcome culture inertia and numerous digital barriers to run a frictionless IT and become a top IT performers?

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