Modern CIOs play different roles and have multiple personas.
Due to the changing nature of technology, IT leadership role also continues to involve and shift the focus, to move up the maturity level. More and more CIOs are requested to take more responsibility and many CIOs present the breadth of leadership competency and depth of technology expertise. Here are Five big “Who’s” in IT digital transformation.

Five Big “Who”s in IT Digital Transformation
- Who are Highly Effective Digital CIOs: CIO Leadership From Average to Great: Modern CIOs play different roles and have multiple personas. There is a distinct difference between a great CIO and an average CIO in terms of identifying and implementing competitive advantages and being a great leader. What are those major traits and how to leapfrog IT leadership from average to great?
- What are CIOs’ Top Challenges Due to the changing nature of technologies, CIOs seem to be always in the “hot seat” in the face of increasing business demand, talent shortage, budget limitation or numerous critics from businesses? Now, information is permeating into every corner of business, what technology is expected to do has changed significantly over recent years, although every company has its own circumstances, overall speaking, what are the common challenges facing today’s IT organizations, how can CIOs leverage resources to stay focus, and continually improve IT agility and maturity, to become an integral part of business?
- Who can make better, faster IT decisions? From the variety of industry surveys, more than three-fourths of C-level business executives believe they can make technology decisions better and faster than IT staff. What is your response to this? How can CIOs and IT organizations change this perception?
- Three Big WHOs in Change Management? People are the center of any Change Management, and people are also the weakest link in any change effort as well. Therefore, change agents are critical, as they have been an invaluable source of knowledge, business visions, insight, and support etc. But more specifically, who are proactive change players, and why are they so critical in business transformation?
- Who is Accountable for Strategic IT Decisions? Traditionally, IT has been treated as a cost center or a support function, not as a strategic business partner. As businesses move into the digital future, technology is the fastest growing arena, the potential innovation disruptor, and it would be an understatement that IT is complex. Though more and more CIOs are invited to the big table, the provocative debate would be: Is it true that certain IT decisions should never be made by IT people, if so who is accountable for strategic IT decisions? Or more broadly, what’s the best scenario to make IT decisions, and how to enforce IT governance as well.
- Who's to Blame for Failed Projects, IT or the Business?There is a lot of empirical evidence saying that inadequate or flawed requirements contribute to the majority of project failures, as it’s an easy target but the failures could come much earlier than that, with more subtle root causes in many cases. The cause of failure may also depend on how exactly the project "failed" -- did it blow the budget out of the water (due to scope creep, perhaps)? Did it not get done in time to meet a critical date? Did it never get implemented or pushed into production? Did it fail to meet the user/customer's expectations? Who’s to blame for failed project, IT or business? Indeed, a failed project, make business as a whole including IT, HR, Finance, Operations all look bad and lose the valuable resource. So the real question should be: What can business and IT work together in improving project success rate.

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