The gap differentiation helps delineate the problems and opportunities for innovation.
With the increasing speed of changes, many organizations are inundated with tactical tasks and daily operational duties, they don’t spend enough time on scrutinizing the long term strategy and identify disastrous blind spots in order to make a smooth business transformation. Innovation is an important component of the business strategy, and there is a very low success rate for innovation management. So how to identify and close those gaps in order to accelerate digital transformation?

Close the Innovation Gaps to Accelerate Digital Transformation
- Innovation Gaps? There are many forms of innovation - technology, application, product, design, business model, process, communication, or customer experience, etc; there’re also many ‘flavors’ of innovations, systematic innovation, customer-centric innovation, open innovation, design-driven innovation, or management innovation., etc, but fundamentally, what are the innovation gaps, the gap differentiation helps delineate the problems and opportunities for innovation, and through identifying such gaps, business can manage innovation portfolio more effectively?
- How to Bridge the Innovation Execution Gap Although innovation is at every forward-looking organization’s agenda, there are at least two gaps existing in innovation management: idea gap and execution gap. More often than not, companies seem to continue to have more ideas than execution expertise. If you have an idea, you gain only if you have the right methodology to implement the idea. However, there’re gaps between innovation strategy and innovation execution, how to mind?
- Three Gaps Digital IT Can Bridge Forward-looking organizations are reimagining the digital potential of IT and reinventing IT reputation from a cost center to an innovation engine. However, the majority of IT organizations still get stuck at the lower level of maturity, running as a siloed function. Despite the mountain of evidence pointing the detrimental effects of these silos, they still seem to be quite common in the organization. What are the root causes to silos? Are silos a mere product of organizational design? Or is their nature tied to human nature? What are silo effects which stifle innovation, and downgrade IT effectiveness and performance? What would be some ideas to assist in breaking down silos in an organization where they are present?
- Three Silo Effects to Stifle IT Innovation? Technology is permeating into every corner of the organization, and the information is the lifeblood of the business. However, many IT organizations still get stuck in the lower level of maturity, with the reputation as a cost center, support desk, controller only, or even the bottleneck to slow the business speed. So how can IT leaders reimagine IT potential, reinvent IT brand, overcome culture inertia, and numerous digital barriers to bridge the gaps between IT and business, and run a frictionless IT to achieve the high-level business result?
- What’re your Perceptions and Actions to Rejuvenate Innovation? Innovation can happen everywhere - it is our gift as humans - a great deal of what defines us as humans actually. Innovation is about progress whether it's about new products, services, solutions, new sounds and music, new ways of reading and publishing, new ways of educating future of generations, etc. From the business perspective, innovation is the mechanism through which you grow and evolve something to something great (higher value-add or ever breakthrough) or something new or better based on a combination or modification of previous attributes/approaches. Businesses, especially the mature, large corporations and within that environment, innovations can range from small to game changers. Also, it is important to note that within the organizations, innovation is rarely an individual action; rather it is a team effort, often across multiple organizational silos. What are further perceptions and actions to rejuvenate innovation in a traditional organization?

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