Change is inevitable, and the speed of change is accelerating.
Change is inevitable, organizational change has become a common practice within an organization, but too often changes are made as a reaction to outer impulses, crisis, and demands. This is the bureaucracy’s way of meeting the challenges. A digital transformation is achieved via dynamic Strategy-Execution-Change lifecycle management, though it is not all linear steps, but an iterative, ongoing and upgoing change continuum. How to develop change management practices, ride ahead of the change curve and lead change effortlessly?
Five Practices to Improve Change Management Effectiveness
- How do you Assess an Organization is Ready for Change? Change is inevitable, and the speed of change is accelerating. However, adaptability and resourcefulness -the response to change are woefully underrated by business as keys to sustainability and success. How do you assess an organization that is ready for change? How can you measure change readiness? How do you engage with today's management and make them change themselves into the role needed today for modern Change Management? What is needed to be done in order to execute a successful change when you have a different level of leadership quality? And what are the further aspects of managing change successfully?
- How to Communicate more effectively to Enabling Changes? Change is inevitable, but the majority of organizational change initiatives fail to achieve the expected result. Communication is the key, but how to communicate more effectively to enabling changes? Which methods connect best with organizations to support leadership and change? The more virtual your organization is through distance, location or shift, the more time you have to think about messages. What are they? How are they delivered? How do I make sure everyone gets the same message?
- How do you Handle People who do not Support Change Initiative? Change is inevitable, successful Change Management is an ongoing business capability. However, do not expect everyone supporting your change initiatives to the same degree, it’s even no surprise that only small percentage of people are changing agent, so both strategically and tactically, how do you handle people who do not support change initiative?
- How will you Change in order to Create What is Missing?: No business is perfect, either leaders or employees, we all have different perceptions about the organizations we are in, so before taking initiatives for changes, first, collecting the feedback to figure out what is missing in your organization; and how will you change in order to create what is missing?
- How to Measure Changes? We can only manage what we measure. Is change so hard because it’s so hard to measure Changes? Organizations have so much difficulty measuring change for a variety of reasons such as miscommunication, hidden agendas, unclear goals and mission, poor leadership, "doing the same things over and over and expecting different results." Change is a process with known/ controllable and unpredictable/unknowable variables. Change is ALWAYS happening around us at work and outside work. Perhaps the difficulty in measuring change management is that the very thing we are measuring is changing. There is an inherent oxymoron in the term change management. We want people to change, and manage or control at the same time. That's like trying to drive with your foot on the brake and the accelerator at the same time. So to put it simply, how to measure changes, or more precisely, the change outcomes?

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